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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1762
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ukmvital_116589+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg-Measuring the written performance quality in terms of (caf) complexity, accuracy and fluency constructsDahmardeh M; Shahmirzadi N
ukmvital_116588+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06Modelling developed land in Phuket province of Thailand: 2000-2009Chuangchang P; Sangkhaduang T; Tongkumchum P
ukmvital_116587+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06Modifying the development model for an inclusive Museum to realise a miniature of good village governance (a study on indigenous people of tengger and baduy)Jazim Hamidi
ukmvital_116586+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06“Smoking is Worth the Risk”: Understanding Adolescents’ Rationalisation of Their Smoking BehaviourTohid H (UKM); Omar K (USIM); Muhammad N. A (UKM); Jaffar A (UKM); Md Monoto E. M (UKM); Mohd Ishak N (UKM)
ukmvital_116585+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06Students’ perceptions of substance abuse among secondary school students in MalaysiaChan Y. F (UTM); Sidhu G. K (UTM); Lim P. C (UTM); Wee E. H
ukmvital_116584+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06The impact of two types of vocabulary instruction (oral output and written output) on iranian intermediate efl learners’ listening comprehension and vocabulary learningHossein Babaei; Touran Ahour
ukmvital_116583+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06The role of historical and religious components in john fowles’s novel a maggotKhabibullina L; Zinnatullina Z
ukmvital_116582+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06Usage level of ict and its impact on income among mechanised and motorised marine fishermen in Kerala, IndiaSabu M; Shaijumon
ukmvital_116581+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-06Validating the factorial structure of the Malaysian version of revised competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 among Young Taekwondo AthletesHashim H. A (USM); Baghepour T (USM)
ukmvital_116580+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07A comparative consumer behaviour were diffused by innovation website: the online students and the regular studentsSriwardiningsih E; Hindarwati E. N; Harlianto J; Aritonang Y
ukmvital_97085+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2017-05Wind characteristics and outdoor thermal comfort assessment in east MalaysiaHanipah M. H (UTM); Abdullah A. H (UTM); Che Sidek N. A (UTM); Yunus R (UTM); Nagapan S (UTM); Yassin M. N (UTM); Muhammad Yazid M. N. A. W (UTM)
ukmvital_116579+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Building image of government through radio Taiwan International for Indonesian female listenersYunus U; Budihardjo H. S; Hartanto B
ukmvital_116578+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Controlling product realization through iso 9001:2008 (case study in R&D Unit PT. XYZ Indonesia)Hutami R. F; Yusrina
ukmvital_116577+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Designing cannes eco-product using quality function deploymentHendayani R; Prahatikno W
ukmvital_116576+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Determinants of transfer pricing aggressiveness in IndonesiaWaworuntu S. R; Hadisaputra R
ukmvital_116575+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Does synergy mentality mediate between strategic planning relationship and a firm’s performance? an empirical study of manufacturing companies in IndonesiaOroh A. N. H
ukmvital_116574+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Effect of the 2014 election campaign material in increasing beginner voters’ knowledge among studentsSayuti S. D; Aras M
ukmvital_116573+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07How popular culture affects brand identity and perceived quality in consumer decision makingHerman R. T; Widiasari J; Lasmy; Hartono H
ukmvital_116572+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07HR sustainability practices instrument comparative analysis in Malaysian SMEsKelana B. W. Y (UTM); Mansor N. N. A (UTM); Sanny L
ukmvital_116571+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2016-07Impact of website design, trust, and internet skill on the behaviour use of site internet banking in Bandung Raya: a modification of the UTAUT modelGiri R. R. W; Wellang K. M
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 1762