Browsing by Author Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Assay of aminopyrine N-Demethylase activityMoochhala Shabb M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Assay of ethoxyresorufin o-dealkylase activityMoochhala Shabb M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Comparison of the effects of alloxan and streptoxotocin on hepatic drug metabolism (abstract)Luangingkasoot P.; Thithapandha A.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Some aspects of the disposition and metabolism of 8-methoxyppsoralen in experimental animals (abstract)Baty J.D.; Fan S.F.; Mohamed Z.; Stevenson I.H.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Spectral determination cytochrome P-450 and 65Moochhala Shabb M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Spectral determination of substrate binding to microsomal cytochrome P-450Moochhala Shabb M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Spectral perturbation of flavonoids binding to human placenta microsomal cytochrome P-450Das N.P.; Loke K.H.; Moochhala Shabb M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The effect of cimetidine on the level of paracetamol metabolites in mice urine (abstract)Darsani D.; Donatus I.A.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The effect of gemfibrozil on rat hepatic peroxisomal enzyme activity (abstract)Phornchirasilp S.; Sookdanot P.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The effect of quinine and its total metabolites on in vitro hemolysis of blood from malaria patients healthy (free from malaria)persons (abstract)Kumolosasi Endang>; Soebito Sriewoelan; Wattimena Joke R.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The effects on dietary crude palm oil and aflatoxin B1 on the microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme system (abstract)Alini Marzuki; Hasidah Sidek; Rohani Kadir; Tan S.M.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The human microsomal bank - problems and possibilitiesBoobis A.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The role of protein synthesis and degradation in the interferon induced stimulation and depression of cytochrome P-450 (abstract)Moochhala Shabb M.; Renton K.W.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-The role of xanthine oxidase in the interferon evoked loss of cytochrome P-450Moochhala Shabb M.; Renton K.W.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Urinary excretion of adrenaline and noradrenaline in Malaysians of different races (abstract)Khoo L.L.; Yeoh P.N.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Use of thin layer chromatography for the quantation of drugs in blood and in interaction study of diphenylhidantion and phenobarbitone in ratSriewoelan S.; Suhatri; Wattimena J.R.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Western blotting identifiation and quantitation of cytochrome P450 isozymesMcManus M.E.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Xenobiotic metabolism in isolated and cultured hepatocytes and hepatoma linesMcManus M.E.; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop
-Xenobiotic metabolism in perfused organsMurray Michael; Southeast Asian Drug Metabolism Workshop