Browsing by Author Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Leveraging technology for strategic advantage in the global market: case of the Korean electronics industryYoo Soo Hong; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Multinational corporations and innoxatory activities: towards a new, evolutionary approachCantwell John; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Role of industrial standards in international technology transferPacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Strategic and legal perspectives on international technology licensingAltmiller Brian C; Gaybrick Robert J.; Sonu Anew Chanho; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Technological cooperation with greater China: past, present and future potentialitiesPoon Chung Kwong; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-The meaning of technological self-reliance in an increasingly interdependent world economyQiu Xiaoling; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-The multinational firm as a purveyor of technology in an age of globalizationGoh Kai-Thye; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-The technology broker in global markets - the role of technology transfer intermediariesDenny W. Michael; Liang Winston W.; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Transborder technology alliances across the Pacific rimNeureiter Norman P.; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer
-Universities and their role in international technology accessKao charles K.; Pacific Economic Cooperation Council. Science and Technology Transfer