Browsing by Author Nazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ukmvital_96928+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017A hybrid rules and statistical method for Arabic to English machine translationNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Arwa Hatem Qassim (P65613)
ukmvital_82998+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015Arabic grammatical relation extraction based on machine learning classificationNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mohanaed Ajmi Falih (P72244)
ukmvital_82994+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-06-08Arabic keyphrases extraction using a hybrid of statistical and machine learning methodNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Nidaa Ghalib Ali (P72250)
ukmvital_82996+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-02-20Automatic Arabic text summarization using clustering and keyphrase extractionNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Hamzah Noori Fejer (P72243)
ukmvital_118687+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2018-06-30Bidirectional transfer and prototypical representation with multi-source learning for cross-domain sentiment analysisNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Tareq Abdo Abdullah Al-Moslmi (P75013)
ukmvital_100134+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2018-03-05Cross-lingual sentiment analysis from English to Arabic using supervised and semi-supervised approachNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Adel Qasem Abdo Al-Shabi (P72760)
ENHANCED ARABIC STEMMER THROUGH A COMBINATION OF ROOT BASED AND LIGHT-BASED APPROAC.pdf.jpg2021-10-26Enhanced Arabic stemmer through a combination of root - based and light-based approachesSabrina Tuin, Dr.; Nazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Alshalabi,Hamood Hazeae Ali (P86012)
ukmvital_82995+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-06-08Exam questions classsification based on Bloom's taxonomy cognitive level using classifiers and rulesNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Dhuha Abdulhadi Abduljabbar (P72232)
2014-09-24Morphological disambiguation of the Quranic Arabic using classifiers combinationNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mohammed Nidham Omar Alaani (P66177)
ukmvital_96606+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-02-23Multi-label document classification using class association rules with feature selection based on Pearson Correlation CoefficientNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Roiss Mohammed Salem Alhutaish (P63455)
ukmvital_114735+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2011-03-01Ontological development for computing with words based systemNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mehdi Rohaninezhad (P52700)
ukmvital_122214+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2011-08-01Rule based Arabic named entity recognition for crime documentsNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Mona Mohamed Ali Ahmed Asharef (P49070)
ukmvital_122016+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2019-03-05Text feature selection using enhanced binary bat algorithmNazlia Omar, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Aisha Adel Ahmed Al-Hajjana (P75140)