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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ukmvital_71553+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2013-05-08A Study On Certain Operators And Subclasses Of Analytic FunctionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Tariq Ai Moh'd Al-Hawary (P54666)
ukmvital_97558+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-11-01A study on classes of complex functions defined by new differential operatorsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Mohammad Zakariya Salameh Al-Kaseasbeh (P72630)
ukmvital_74340+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2011-12-20Certain problems on generalized derivative operators and the other class of analytic functionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Ma'moun Ibraheem Ya'qoup Harayzeh (P46208)
2023-09-07Geometric properties of analytic functions generated by q-analog operators associated with special functionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Al-Chlaihawi, Sarem Hazim Hadi (P110974)
ukmvital_71739+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2013-08-30Meijer's G-Functions In Univalent Function Theory And Its ApplicationsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Amir Pishkoo
ukmvital_96862+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-06-01New generalised differential operators for certain classes of analytic functions and their propertiesMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Anas Mahmoud Aref Aljarah (P74125)
ukmvital_80058+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-01-01New operators for certain classes of analytic function and their propertiesMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Nasser Mohammed Al-Kasbi (P59382)
ukmvital_85397+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-01-25On certain classes of analytic functions associated with differential operatorsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Entisar Ali Faraj El-Yagubi (P72329)
ukmvital_94726+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-01-17On certain classes of P-valent functions and related topics in geometric function theoryMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Ala' Ali Nemer Amourah (P74124)
ukmvital_98906+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2017-07-30On certain classes of univalent and multivalent functions related to meromorphic typeMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Mostafa Taher Ali Albehbah (P68838)
ukmvital_97538+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2016-12-13On certain generalized classes of analytic functions and their geometric propertiesMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Mohammed Ali Alamri (P62612)
ukmvital_120147+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2012-16On the modified caputo's derivative operatorMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Jamal Yousef Mohammad Salah (P43526)
ukmvital_130639+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2022-01-31Properties of certain generalised subclasses of analytic functions generated by operators associated with quantum calculusMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Alsoboh Abdullah Mohammedkhalid Khalil (P92712)
ukmvital_120423+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2012-05-07Related issues on certain operators and subclasses of analytic functionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Abdulmughni A'Abed Mohammed Saif (P48966)
2023-08-28Solutions of spatiotemporal fractional partial differential equations by residual power series methodsAnuar Mohd Ishak, Prof. Dr.; Maslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Aljarrah, Hussam Abdullah Rasheed (P109939)
ukmvital_81695+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-01-01Some contributions in linear operations for certain classes of analytic functionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Abubaker Afaf A. Ali (P50037)
ukmvital_82270+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-08-01Some geometric properties of certain classes of analytic functionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Shareef Zahid (P59705)
ukmvital_84387+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2016-02Some selected topics in geometric functions theory with some extensions to Q-theoryMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Uzoamaka Azuka Ezeafulukwe (P67908)
ukmvital_75018+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2013-06-13Some Selected Topics Related To Subclasses Of Analytic FunctionsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Nagat M. Mustafa Muftah (P50029)
ukmvital_109138+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2018Various extension results of certain generalised operatorsMaslina Darus, Prof. Dr.; Khalid Abdulameer Challab (P83691)