Browsing by Author Khalijah Mohd Salleh

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Archimedes' workshop for educators in broad communityAbu Bakar Bin Abdullah; Khalijah Mohd Salleh; Science and Mathematics Education Regional Conference 2008 (SMEReC 2008): sustainable human capital development through science and mathematics education
-Archimedes' workshop for educators in broad communityAbu Bakar bin Abdullah; Khalijah Mohd Salleh; Science and Mathematics Education Regional Conference 2008 (SMEReC 2008): sustainable human capital development through science and mathematics education
no_preview_available.png-Integrative learning through the course on history of physics thoughtsKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Nor Sakinah Mohamad; Science and Mathematics Education Regional Conference 2008 (SMEReC 2008): sustainable human capital development through science and mathematics education
-Islamic values in development based on science and technologyKhalijah Mohd Salleh; International Conference on Islam and Technology
-Isu-isu dalam sains dan teknologi : penyelesaian secara IslamKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Seminar Pemantapan Sains dan Agama : Keharmonian Dalam Krisis
-Learning science based on Tauhidic paradigmKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Science and Mathematics Education Regional Conference 2008 (SMEReC 2008): sustainable human capital development through science and mathematics education
-Pembangunan KIT" pembelajaran sains matematik dan fizik ke arah pembinaan kemahiran berfikir saintifik di kalangan pelajar mengikut pendekatan hibrid"Nor Sakinah Mohamad; Khalijah Mohd Salleh; T. Subahan Mohd Meerah; Lilia Halim; Mohd Amin Embi; Khalid Abdullah; Noriah Mohd Ishak; Mohd Alinor; Effandi Zakaria; Zolkepli Haron; Seminar Pemantauan Projek Penyelidikan GUP
-Pendidikan sains berteraskan tauhidKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Seminar Pemantauan Projek Penyelidikan GUP
-Physical science education today & the total human developmentKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Mohd Yusof Othman; International Seminar on Islamic Philosophy and Science
-Tahap orientasi sains keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar melayu ; ke arah persediaan untuk globalisasiLilia Halim; Nor Aishah Buang; Khalijah Mohd Salleh; Nidzam Sulaiman; Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin; Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Arus Perdana II, Pembinaan Keupayaan Melayu Dalam Arus Globalisasi
-Tahap orientasi sains keusahawanan di kalangan pelajar Melayu: ke arah persediaan untuk globalisasiKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Nor Aishah Buang; Lilia Halim; Prosiding Seminar Kebangsaan Arus Perdana II
-University-industry interaction through physics students' development programKhalijah Mohd Salleh; Sahrim Haji Ahmad; International Conference on University-Industry Interaction - Challenges and Opportunities in Physic