Browsing by Author ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A model of explaining variations in oil palm yield on field or estate basisChow Chee Sing; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Analysis of yeild trends in two cultivar trials in IndonesiaGerritsma W.; Redshaw M.J.; Soebagyo F.X; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Density effects in the oil palmJalani Sukaimi; Kushairi A.; Rajanaidu N.; Rao V.; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Estimating potential productivity of oil palmHenson I.E; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Light interception and productivity in oil palms and its stimulationGerritsma W; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Maximum yield of oil palm in Peninsular Malaysia: yield response and efficiency of nutrient recoveryAhmad Tarmizi Mohammed; Muhammad Tayeb Dolmat; Zin Z. Zakaria; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Oil palm industry in ThailandBoonrak T; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Oil palm production in Papua New GuineaBarr J; Foster H.L.; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Oil palm yield production in the Republic of BeninMoise Houssou; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Parent selection for oil palm clonal seed gardensBreure C.J.; Konimor J; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Performance of D x P and D x T crosses from various origins on inland areas of Peninsular MalaysiaISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Potential yield of oil palm clones - the importance of planging densityISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Preliminary results of D x P and Dy x P progeny trials in SumatraISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-The oil palm industry in Costa Rica and HondurasRichardson D.L.; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-The yield performance by Dy x P hybrid at Pernantian Division and Perlabian Estate in North SumatraHutomo Tri; Muluk Chaul; Pamin K.; Taniputra B; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-The yield potential of N1FOR elite oil palm tenera hybrids under the Nigerian growing conditionOkwuagwu C.O; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Yield of Deli x La Me crosses in North SumatraAkiyat Samaritaan G; Kusnadi T.T.; Lubis R.A.; Nouy B.; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Yield performance of Golden Hope OPRS D x P planting materialsLee Chong Hee; Toh Peng Yin; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Yield performance of Guthrue D x P planting material on inland soils in Malaysiachan Kok Weng; Yong Yit Yuan; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm
-Yield potential and genotype x environment (GE) studies in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis)Hoong H.W.; Jalani Sukaimi; Lee C.H.; Rajanaidu N.; Rao V.; Tan S.T.; ISOPB International Workshop on Yield Potential in the Oil Palm