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Showing results 1 to 20 of 43  next >
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Advancement of librarianship in the third worldBergdhal Bergitta; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Archives vs libraries: a case study of Thai universitiesPradtikul Somsuang; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Bersatu menggurebe maju: northern territory university library's links with eastern IndonesiaMann Oliver; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Cataloging tools: problems in processing Southeast ASEAN materialsHasnah Simanjuntak; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-CD-ROM networking in ThailandAnaprayot Porntip; Chollampe kannigar .; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Challenges in non-formal education with emphasis on the developing worldVink Chris; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Consulting in library and information services management : a personnel perspectiveSidhu Rishpal Singh; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Development of an integrated computerised library system: the experience of the University Utara Malaysia library (abstract only)Ali Mohamad Abdul Hamid; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Dilemmas in incorporating and teaching information technologies in schools of library and information science: an American experienceFroehlich Thomas J; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Education for preservation: developing preservation management strategiesSmith Wendy; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-HRD for information professionals: a challenging taskRobles-Austriaco Lilia; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Impact of information technology (IT)application on management and user training: a Malaysian experienceMuhammad Shah Ashaari .; R. Yaacob; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Impact of information technology on library education programmes in MalaysiaHalimah Badioze Zaman; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Information networking for development: the fin experienceRobles-Austriaco Lilia; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Information professional in AustraliaHarvey Ross; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Information studies education: the key to an information societyStueart Robert D; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Information technology and libraries in SingaporeChan Fook Weng; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Information's brave new worldMalinconico S.Michael; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-ISBN-challengeWalravens Hartmut; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)
-Library and information science in ThailandTechamanee Yupin; Congress of Southeast ASEAN Librarians (CONSAL 1X)