Browsing by Author Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Bond trading operationsNor Mohamed Yakcob; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Features of an ideal computerised bonds training systemLoh Leslie; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-How to successfully bring a bond issue onto the market: the OCBC storySam Elizabeth; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Key factors involved in establishing an active bond market in MalaysiaPrior Garry; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Managing bond portfolio with minimal riskKang Eric S.P; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Potential for growth of bond markets in Asia - the future of MalaysiaConference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Promoting the listing and trading of bonds on the KLSEConference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-The establishment of the credit rating agency in Malaysia its necessity and potential effects on the bond marketGayle E; McGuigan J.R.; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-The secondary mortgage bond marketKhong Kim Nyoon; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges
-Understanding the needs of the investor in the 1990sNg John Kim Hoong; Conference on the Malaysian Bond Market Investment Opportunities and Future Challenges