Browsing by Author Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987

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Showing results 1 to 16 of 16
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Maize production and post-production systems in the PhilippinesLantin Manuel M.; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Maize production in IndonesiaSubandi; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Maize seed production in MalaysiaChua L.K.; NousNoor; Yeo T.T.; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Maize seed production in PakistanBahadur Khan; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Mechanization of maize productionYeoh K.C.; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Pengeluaran jagung bijiran di Kelantan dan TerengganuBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Pengeluaran jagung manis di MalaysiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Performance of Cargill maize hybrids in Southeast AsiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Performance of pioneer maize hybrids in Southeast AsiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Performance of San Miguel hybrids in Southeast AsiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Policy on the future development of the maize industry in MalaysiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Probable marketing system for maize in MalaysiaBengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Taiwan's experience in corn productionWan Hsiung; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Thailand's experience in maize productionChutkaew Chamnan; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-The development of maize utilization for animal feed and human consumption in MalaysiaNeoh S.B.; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987
-Valve and potential use of maize by-products for livestock: a reviewAbu Bakar Chik; Muhammad Jaafar Daud; Muhammad Shafit Hussain; Bengkel Jagung Nasional 1987