Browsing by Author An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 10
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Australian National University, so far ...?Reid Anna; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Collecting Malay books in the nineteenth century: Some reflectionsWarnk Holger; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Collectors, classifiers and researchers of the Malay world: How individuals and institutions in Britain in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries collected, arranged and organized libraries, archives and museum and how that impacts on today's researchersMartland Nicholas; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-DBP's Malay documentation centre: From philology to social sciencesRohani Rustam; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Library as a heritage of a new nation: A reflection from the Malaysian experienceZawiyah Baba; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-National archives of Malaysia and the construction of knowledge about the Malay worldRahani Jamil; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Preserving what otherwise would be lost: The collections of KITLV in LeidenAn ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Scholarship, politics and libraries in the construction of knowledge about the Malay world: The example of Monash University's Southeast Asian collectionsAn ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Searching for the Malay world at the Library of CongressAn ATMA and IKON International Colloquium
-Southeast Asia librarianship & shifting social and political climates in higher educationRohayati Paseng Barnard; An ATMA and IKON International Colloquium