Browsing by Author 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-A 40 M2 solar air heating system for drying of fruits and vegetablesA. Sreekumar & K.P. Vijaykumar; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-A comparison of collision kernels for spraying data from one and two nozzle atomisation systemsT.A.G. Langrish & K. Kota; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-A two-dimensional population balance modelling for drying and agglomerationJ. Kumar; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Advances in freeze-drying technologies for pharmaceuticals and foodsYasuyuki Sagara; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-An analysis on thermal drying - a theoretical approachA.K. Haghi; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-An experimental investigation of lime juice drying in a pilot plant spray dryerM. Hosseinalipour & B. Ghobadian; O.R. Roustapour; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-An experimental study on microwave vacuum drying of heat sensitive materialsSaravanan Velayutham & Md. Raisul Islam; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Analysis of transport process due to circular jets impinging on a moving surfaceH. Chattopadhyay; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Analytical determination of drying characteristicsA. Daghbandan [et all]; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Application of generalized differential quadrature method to solution of grape drying with variable diffusion coefficientRezazadeh G.H.; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-CFD simulation of moisture loss during cooling of potatoes in cold storageM.K. Chourasia & T.K. Goswami; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Characteristics drying curves for cellulosic fibresT.A.G. Langrish; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Computational fluid dynamics and dryingT.A.G Langrish; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Convective drying of apples - the influence of the glass transition temperature on shrinkageV.C. Perina & M.A. Silva; 4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Performance study of a natural convection solar dryer with horticultural crops4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Pistachio nut moisture simulation during drying with high temperature and low relative humidity by finite element method4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Potential of solar thermal and biomass energy in drying of agricultural produce4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Potential use of magnetic resonance imaging in grain drying analysis4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Prediction of moisture distribution in drying process4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)
-Pulse combustion drying4th Asia Pacific Drying Conference (ADC 2005)