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dc.contributor.advisorAinil Sulaiman, Dr.en_US
dc.contributor.authorAshratul Izzati Muhamad Abdul Karim (P113100)en_US
dc.description.abstractIn the pursuit of enhancing language proficiency and fostering international communication, Malaysia has chosen to incorporate the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) into its language curriculum development and to gradually evaluate and adapt to its outcomes. However, in the midst of this massive task, some teachers expressed frustration about their inability to successfully incorporate CEFR-based lesson preparation, teaching, accessing resources, and evaluation techniques into their current teaching style. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to comprehensively explore the perceptions of Primary ESL teachers when implementing CEFR aligned formative reading assessment in the classroom which focuses on assessment for learning and assessment of learning. This investigation delves into the various aspects of reading assessment, aiming to understand how teachers navigate and perceive the challenges and values presented by CEFR-aligned assessments within the broader context of language education. This study is designed based on a case study approach using purposive sampling. The study employs qualitative methods, including interviews, and document analysis to gather data from six participants of English Language Teachers from one of the primary schools in Selangor which is Sekolah Kebangsaan Kajang. Additionally, it investigates how these teachers perceive the effectiveness of using formative CEFR-aligned curriculum reading assessments in three aspects outlined which would be implementation, perceptions and to offer meaningful feedback. In regard to the implementation factor, the assessment aspect, assessment strategies, assessment method and assessment indicator were identified. Several perceptions including the values identified are facilitating effective teaching and assessment, preferences regarding assessment, flexibility of formative assessments, positive perspectives of the assessments, simplified lesson planning with CEFR descriptor and the challenges identified are CEFR Textbooks and learning materials, disparity between decoding and comprehension, reading comprehension and assessment differentiation, reading assessment design and validity. This study contributes to a deeper understanding of how teachers incorporate reading assessments into a CEFR-aligned curriculum, which will ultimately affect curriculum development and assessment practises in language education.en_US
dc.publisherUKM, Bangien_US
dc.relationFaculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikanen_US
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakersen_US
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Textbooks for foreign speakersen_US
dc.subjectUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertationsen_US
dc.subjectDissertations, Academic -- Malaysiaen_US
dc.titleUnveiling primary english as a second languages teachers' practices and perceptions of implementing formative reading assesments in cefr-aligned classroomen_US
dc.identifier.callnoPE1128.A2.A834 2024 tesisen_US
dc.format.degreeMaster of Educationen_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikan

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