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Title: Theoretical framework for critical success factors influencing on adoption e-crm in malaysian telecommunication companies
Authors: Ahmed Anaam, Elham Abdulwahab (P88048)
Supervisor: Khairul Azmi Abu Bakar, Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Electronic commerce
Customer relations -- Management
Issue Date: 30-Mar-2022
Abstract: In telecommunication companies, vast data in the system, such as emails, websites, chat rooms, forums, and other channels need a high level of attention. High workload, high levels of stress, unpleasant environment, and inadequate direct supervision are some causes of lack of employee satisfaction and affect individual performance to provide high productivity. They are also hinder the successful adoption of the E-CRM system. Most of the previous works focused on knowledge management, the organization's need, talent management, succession planning, organization size, security, trust, distribution channel, electronic customer process, and e-customer acquisition. Nevertheless, few studies have looked at employee satisfaction in terms of improving individual performance as an important factor in E-CRM adoption success. Consequently, there is a need for empirical examination to address this gap by exploring and improving individual performance through employee satisfaction. Thus, this study explores the impact of critical success factors from three aspects technology, organization, and individual element via employee satisfaction and performance toward E-CRM adoption. The objectives of this study include first, to identify the key critical success factors; second, to investigate the impact of technological, organizational, and individual factors on perceived usefulness and employee satisfaction; third, to develop a framework of E-CRM individual performance in telecommunication companies. To address these objectives, the study method involved three main phases. (1) Reviewing the literature to identify factors and issues that contribute to employee satisfaction in E-CRM. (2) Distributing a total of 500 questionnaires to employees working at telecommunication companies in Malaysia, in the form of self-administrated surveys. A total of 370 questionnaires were returned, of which 300 questionnaires completed by participants were usable. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was involved in data analysis. (3) Developing an individual performance framework for telecommunication E-CRM based on the responses. (4) Theories that mainly supported this study include the end-user computing effectiveness model (ECEM), technology acceptance model (TAM3), updated DeLone & McLean model (IS), and unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). Results show that technological, organizational, and individual factors have a positive significant effect (p and lt;0.002) on employee satisfaction and a significant impact on the mediator of perceived usefulness. Employee satisfaction has a positive significant effect (p and lt;0.001) on individual performance. The mediator of perceived usefulness also has a significant positive impact on (p and lt;0.001) employee satisfaction and individual performance of ECRM adoption. The coefficient of determination (R2) for the endogenous variables includes perceived usefulness, employee satisfaction, and individual performance are 0.639, 0.719, and 0.616, respectively. The study contributes by providing a deep understanding of technological, organizational, and individual domains to improve individual performance in Malaysian telecommunication companies. In the future, the qualitative method (interview) and selected more telecommunication companies can be implemented to strengthen direct observation with the participants concerning ECRM adoption. Furthermore, the research framework can be applied in other sectors like universities and airlines based on the study findings and factors to improve individual performance and user satisfaction.
Description: Full-text
Pages: 253
Call Number: IN PROCESS PL2
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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