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dc.contributor.authorLala Septem Riza
dc.contributor.authorJudhistira Aria Utama
dc.contributor.authorSyandi Mufti Putra
dc.contributor.authorFerry Mukharradi Simatupang
dc.contributor.authorEddy Prasetyo Nugroho
dc.descriptionNowadays, large datasets become main intentions of researchers in many areas. However, a challenge that still remains mainly unresolved is the lack of strategies used for analysing large time-series datasets in parallel. Therefore, this research aims to design a model of exponential smoothing working on parallel computing by using the bootstrap method. Three parts will be considered in the model: data preprocessing using the bootstrap methods, parallel exponential smoothing, and aggregation of results to be the final predicted values. To implement the processes, some packages available in the R environment such as “foreach”, “forecast” and “doParallel” are utilised. R environment provides many packages for scientific computing, data analysis, time-series analysis and high performance computing. For testing and validating the proposed model and implementation, a case study in astronomy, i.e. the prediction of asteroid’s orbital elements, was done. Moreover, a comparison and analysis with the results produced by algorithm of Regularized Mix Variable Symplectic 4 Yarkovsky Effect (RMVS4-YE) is also presented in this paper to provide a high level of confidence on the proposed model.
dc.publisherUniversiti Putra Malaysia Press
dc.relation.haspartPertanika Journals
dc.subjectExponential smoothing
dc.subjectOrbital element
dc.subjectParallel computing
dc.subjectR programming language
dc.subjectTime series analysis
dc.titleParallel exponential smoothing using the bootstrap method in r for forecasting asteroid’s orbital elements
dc.typeJournal Article
Appears in Collections:Journal Content Pages/ Kandungan Halaman Jurnal

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