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Title: Performance evaluation of solar-assisted heat pump system with photovoltaic/thermal collector
Authors: Alhadi Aboubakar Alhadi Ammar (P57156)
Supervisor: Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Prof
Keywords: Solar thermal energy
Heat pumps
Photovoltaic power generation
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 9-Apr-2019
Description: A photovoltaic thermal solar assisted heat pump system (PV/T SAHP) has been design, fabricated and evaluated under the tropical climate conditions. The combined system can increase the output of PV electric power and reduce compressor energy consumption using compressor input power 1KW and cooling capacity 2.5 KW. Heat pump offers a distinct advantage over conventional heating equipment in terms of CO2 emissions. The aim is to evaluate the performance of the photovoltaic (PV/T) module and coefficient of performance (COP) of heat pump using refrigerant (R134a) as heat removal fluid. The theoretical model was developed to determine the optimum design for the absorber of evaporator/collector configuration and to determine the most suitable compressor power to cover the cooling load of the evaporator/collector. Energy balance equation and thermodynamic equations were solved using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software to perform mathematical computations and analysis of the reference PV module and PV/T solar assisted heat pump system (PV/T SAHPS). Moreover, simulation results indicated that the optimum tube diameter was 12.70 mm and the tube spacing of the absorber evaporator/collector was 80 mm with compressor power of 1.5 hp. The experimental setup was constructed using these optimum tube diameters and spacing dimension. The experiment tested and collected data during March 2017-2018, whereas COP was validated based on the theoretical results. Both of reference PV system and PV/T system were studied based on experimental and theoretical analyses/approaches. The theoretical results demonstrated that the mean PV/T combined heat pump system maximum temperature was 35.7 oC while the reference mean PV module maximum temperature was 67.9oC. Consequently, the combined design was able to lower the module temperature to 32.2 oC at maximum solar radiation of 944 W/m2 and highest ambient temperature of 34.4 oC as well as an average wind speed of 1m/s. Experimental results revealed that the electrical efficiency was 7.6 % for the reference PV module, and 9.6 % for PV/T combined system at minimum value which was improved to 26.3%. In addition, the power increased from 54.98 W for the reference PV module to 79.06 W for PV/T combined system at maximum solar radiation of 1000 W/m2. Based on the experimental and theoretical results, the PV combined heat pump recorded much higher performance using the best design and optimum compressor compared to the reference PV module. Finally, the techno-economical evaluation for the systems were conducted using Microsoft Excel. A 20-year life-cycle economic analysis showed that the PV/T solar assisted heat pump system has a payback period of 3 years while reference PV module has a payback periodof 8 years.,Ph.D.
Pages: 184
Call Number: TK1056.A465 2019 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Solar Energy Research Institute / Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria (SERI)

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