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Title: Assessing The Mediating Role of Psychological Ownership and its Two Selected Antecedents, Person-job (P-J) Fit and Role Clarity, Within Service-Profit Chain Framework
Authors: Khalid Abed Abdelsalam Dahleez
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fazli Idris
Keywords: Antecedents
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 26-Jun-2013
Description: This study responds to several calls with respect to the need to integrate two disciplines i.e., service operations management and organizational behavior in addressing service complexities. Specifically, the study examined the mediating role of job-based psychological ownership and two selected antecedents i.e., person-job (P-J) fit and role clarity within the service profit chain framework. The study proposed and tested a new model of service profit chain with job-based psychological ownership as a mediator variable. The model also included two other mediating variables (role clarity and person job (P-J) fit) between internal service quality and job-based psychological ownership. Structural Equation Modeling (AMOS version 20) was employed to analyze and test the relationships between all constructs using a sample of 471 administrative staff working at Palestinian academic institutions. The results of the study showed that job-based psychological ownership partially mediates the relationship between internal service quality and customer service quality. Statistically, the results also supported a partial mediating role of P-J fit and goal clarity between internal service quality and job-based psychological ownership. However, the mediating role of process clarity was not supported. Theoretically, this study contributes in bridging the gap between service operations management and organizational behavior via the introduction of job-based psychological ownership in the service-pro fit-chain framework. It also helped in clarifying the role played by psychological ownership in work settings with the introduction of several antecedents and outcomes in one model. This study contributed also to the knowledge through clarifying the relationship between internal service quality and customer service quality and through introducing internal service quality as a direct antecedent to role clarity and P-J fit and as indirect antecedent to job-based psychological ownership. With regard to practical implications, this study offers several recommendations to top management in academic institutions. (These include) improving the internal working environment and clarifying roles to increase levels of possessive feelings among employees and maximize positive behaviors. The limitations and suggestions for future research were also discussed.,Doctor of Philosophy
Pages: 296
Call Number: HF5548.8.D338 2013 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Graduate School of Business / Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Perniagaan

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