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Title: British Foreign Policy And Its Impact On Iraq From 1945 To 1963
Authors: Wiam Sh. Ghani (P46364)
Supervisor: Kamaruzaman bin Haji Yusoff, Asoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: British Foreign Policy
Foreign Policy British
Impact Of British Foreign Policy
British Foreign Policy And Its Impact On Iraq
United Kingdom--Foreign relations--Iraq
Issue Date: 16-Jan-2013
Description: The study examines the interest of British policy focusing on Iraq from 1945 to 1963 and its implications on Iraq€™s internal and foreign policies. The western countries were attracted to Iraq, particularly British even before the First World War. Then, the British occupied Iraq. Iraq was placed under the British Mandate after the Second World War. At the outset, the study discusses important political developments which occurred in Iraq after the Second World War by describing strategies pursued by the British Foreign Office to shape the formation and direction of policies in Iraq so as to be in line with their interests. Next, the study analyses the effect of British policy on Iraq and its relations with its neighbours in the region. In addition, the study highlights the implementation of a new Iraqi policy which was not in favour of the British policy during the July revolution of 1958.The revolution declared a republican regime in Iraq and applied policies which were different from those in the past in line with the interests of the new state of Iraq, thus, extremely limiting the British policy. Finally, the research explores the emergence of nationalism and its impact on the Iraqi people.A unified qualitative approach according to historical methodis employed to achieve the aims of the thesis. Primary sources consist of archival and literary resources available in libraries. Analysis of these documents facilitates the elucidation of the far-reaching impact the strategies engaged by British Foreign Office had over the formulation of Iraq policies. In addition, secondary sources in Arabic and English were utilized to support this writing. The historical narrative style of the notes written by the senior and famous politicians and diplomats, who lived through the historical period that had been under studied. All of these sources were classified and described in a thoroughly and wide manner. Results of the study demonstrates that the British tried to play its role on the newly established Iraqi government, the effect of British policy on Iraqi regional relations and the strategy followed by the British Foreign policy in the formulation of Iraqi policy. Under the guise of treaties and conventions, the British policy interfered in the internal affairs of Iraq even after the announcement of the Revolution of July1958. It is clear that the British played a very influential role in the politics of Iraq. This role gave a very significant impact on the political facet of Iraq and the Iraqi people at large.,PhD
Pages: 316
Call Number: DA47.9.I72 .G483 2013
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute of West Asian Studies / Institut Kajian Rantau Asia Barat (IKRAB)

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