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Title: The impact of monetary expansion on the stability of the real exchange rate in Libya standard analytical study of the period from 1970 - 2014
Authors: Mohamed Ali Salem Ajredi (P77306)
Supervisor: Ahmad Dahlan Salleh, Dr.
Keywords: Exchange rate
Monetary stability
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 30-Apr-2018
Description: This study is about the effect of monetary stability development on economic growth in Libya between 1970-2014. Thus, researcher does research on relationship between exchange rate and money supply through it components. The exchange rate is the value of the currency that principally affected by the currency growth rate in economic. The research problem of this study focusing on the effect of the exchange rate component (deposit on demand, currency, quasi-money) to the real exchange rate. As well as study some of variables in economic such as (domestic credit excess, oil revenue, international exchange rate, open trading rate, investment, public expenditure, nominal exchange rate, foreign assets and political instability) and their impact on the real exchange rate. In fact, the instability in Libya between 2011-2014 led to the depreciation of Libya's currency and had an impact on the Libya economy. Furthermore, the decline in the oil revenue led to an obvious deterioration in the Libya exchange. The objective of this study is to find out the exchange rate, system as well as theory and measure the economic impact of the actual exchange rate on economic activity between year 1970-2014. Examine the deterioration of yields on Libya dinar rates due to the process of money supply growth, rising and falling of the oil revenues and analysing the instability of Libyan political over the years. Researcher uses descriptive method, comparative, historical, feasible studies of long-term relationships, casual-links between the actual exchange rates of Libya dinars and the financial growth for (demand for deposits, currencies and quasi-money). Furthermore, it provides analytical framework to explain on how to address these problems in the current political and economic situation in Libya. To achieve these objectives, Johansen Integration method and Error Correcting Model (ECM) are used based on the annual data during the 1970-2014 period. The result of this study finds that the real exchange rate was negative as affected by the components of free money supply, domestic credit, oil revenues, international exchange rates, open trading rate, nominal exchange rates, foreign assets and political instability. As conclusion, this study concluded in a set of proposals. Instruments linking the local economies to international economies is exchange rates and the possibility of controlling the stability of the real exchange rate of the dinar Libya through the components of the money supply represented by the (demand for deposits, currencies and quasi-money).,Ph.D.
Pages: 292
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute of Malaysian and International Studies / Institut Kajian Malaysia dan Antarabangsa (IKMAS)

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