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Title: Assessing the influence of loyalty program attributes and store attributes on cardholder-store relationship
Authors: Suhaily Mohd Ramly (ZP01099)
Supervisor: Nor Asiah Omar, Prof. Madya Dr.
Keywords: Customer loyalty programs -- Malaysia
Consumer behavior -- Malaysia
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 21-Dec-2015
Description: Despite the widespread importance of loyalty program attributes and store attributes in building customer relationship with the store, studies that analysed the effect of both constructs in a single study are still limited. To address this gap, this study examines the contribution of loyalty program attributes and store attributes to cardholder experience, store engagement, store relationship quality, and store equity in the context of department stores in Malaysia. In view of the increasing importance of customer experience and engagement in relationship building, particularly with the growing acceptance of service dominant logic (S-D logic) as a new marketing thought, the examination on both constructs were also emphasized and tested on store relationship quality and on store equity. The influence of 'cherry picking' behaviour among cardholder due to the attraction of loyalty program offered by various department stores was also investigated by examining the effect of alternative attractiveness of a loyalty program as a predictor to store equity and as a moderator in the relationship between store engagement and store relationship quality towards store equity. Survey responses from 484 department store cardholders were collected, and PLS structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. Seventeen hypotheses were tested, of which thirteen hypotheses were supported. Results show strong contributions of store attributes on cardholder experience, store relationship quality, and store equity, but the results failed to support the contribution of store attributes on store engagement. In addition, the contribution of loyalty program attributes to store relationship quality was not supported. Although alternative attractiveness of loyalty program was a significant predictor to store equity, its effect as moderator was not significant. From a theoretical perspective, the integration of social exchange theory, S-D logic, and brand equity model offered significant contribution in understanding the effect of loyalty program attributes and store attributes on the relationship between the cardholder and the store. From the practical perspective, retailers should pay more attention in putting more value in their offering by incorporating experiential and interactive marketing approach to stimulate customer relationship in order to further enhance the store equity. Compared to store attributes, loyalty program attributes seems to provide more interactive value that enables the cardholder to engage more with store However, its high association with short-term benefits may restrict its ability to significantly influence the store relationship quality.,Ph.D
Pages: 248
Call Number: HF5415.525.S834 2015 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Graduate School of Business / Pusat Pengajian Siswazah Perniagaan

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