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Title: A frame for e-training impact in e-tourism team performance
Authors: Leila Moradi (P69608)
Supervisor: YazrinaYahya, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Information and communication technology (ICT)
Issue Date: 17-Apr-2021
Description: Organizations have started using teamwork for problem solving and task completion mainly in the past 25 to 30 years. Recent developments in information and communication technology (ICT) have made it possible for organizations to start using virtual teams. Virtual teams consist of skilled employees from different parts of the world, and hence have to utilize ICT to communicate and collaborate despite the boundaries of space and time. As it is a growing trend in our modern society, more and more organizations are adopting virtual teams. This includes e-tourism that applies and implements the combination of e-commerce solutions and information technology (IT) in the travel, leisure and tourism industry. Human resource management (HRM) deals with the people in an organization, hence it is essential for HRM to organize continuous trainings to update the people’s skills and knowledge. It is mandatory for employees to learn from training so that their performance in jobrelated tasks will be enhanced. Besides, training and development are found to increase employees’ organizational commitment, which is defined as an effective connection that an employee has with the organization that results in better productivity and loyalty. Such commitment is also applicable to virtual teams to ensure organizational performance and success. Previous studies have shown that the measurement for virtual team performance in e-tourism industry is lacking in terms of online training and development and organizational commitment. Further, recommendations to enhance virtual tourism team performance in virtual organizations through virtual team training and development, and the effects on virtual team organizational commitment as a mediator have not been recognized. This study proposes a framework, which is based on the examination of the relationship between online training and development, organizational e- commitment as a mediator, and virtual team performance in e-tourism projects and it hypothesized that there is a significant relationship between these three variables. It aims to give insightful recommendations in improving the job performances of virtual team in virtual tourism organizations via improved e-training and development, and hence improves organizational commitment. A literature review was conducted, and the conceptual framework was delivered to achieve the research objectives. A confirmation study that included an expert review, pilot study and survey was conducted among 217 respondents. It was found that job performance in e-tourism sectors was positively associated with e-training and development, and organizational commitment partially mediates the relationship between training and performance. The result of the study indicated that virtual services are required in most organizations in tourism sectors, and therefore the confusion surrounding virtual services in the tourism industry is eliminated.,Ph.D
Pages: 241
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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