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dc.contributor.advisorJamaiah Yahaya, Assoc. Prof. Dr.-
dc.contributor.authorMohammed Ahmed Dauwed (P84274)-
dc.descriptionThe fragmentation problem in health information amongst healthcare providers is at the root of current failings in the industry. Exchanging health information amongst hospitals has not been properly studied. The existing literature focuses on recording aspects but does not provide an adequate solution to fragmentary healthcare information. Successful data exchange in the healthcare sector is associated with the ability of services to provide a platform for information exchange with wide access amongst users, processes, procedures and policies. Using Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare provides a good solution which integrates healthcare information from several sources. Objectives of this study are to investigate the success factors and issues related to health information exchange, to develop the utilisation framework for IoT services in health information exchange, to propose the application of the healthcare IoT utilisation framework (HIoT utilisation), and benchmarking. This study involves five main phases. The first phase is the theoretical phase which aims to identify the main factors that contribute to the problems, and the preliminary interview which involves 29 physicians and IT practitioners in the Iraqi and Malaysian healthcare sectors. The second phase is empirical study, which involves 198 participants, including physicians and IT practitioners in Iraqi public hospitals. The collected data are analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling second-generation multivariate data analysis techniques by using SmartPLS software. The third phase is framework development, which involves the design and development of the proposed framework (HIoT utilisation). Fourth is the evaluation and validation of the HIoT utilisation framework which is conducted by experts review. The next phase is the application of the proposed framework. The proposed HIoT utilisation framework consists of three main dimensions: organisational, technological and system. The organisational dimension includes workflow fit, cost-effectiveness and training. The technological dimension consists of ubiquitous connectivity, compatibility, security and privacy. The system dimension involves accessibility and usefulness. The analysis shows that the three dimensions have significant effect on the human factors and implementation process. Nonetheless, there is not enough significant evidence to support network capacity and cooperation on the human factors and implementation process. Lastly, human factors have a strong predictive effect on the IoT utilisation. Results show that the R square of human factors which comprise of trust (72.9%), intention to use (86.2%), and utilisation of HIoT (71.5%). Results of the evaluation and validation prove the usability, reliability, applicability, and acceptability of HIoT utilisation amongst public hospitals. Furthermore, advices are given to facilitate the application of the HIoT utilisation framework in hospitals. The benchmarking result shows that only 45.5% from the total number of proposed factors match with the literature. This result confirms that HIoT utilisation framework is more comprehensive and extended compares to previous frameworks. This study contributes to the development of the utilisation framework of IoT services in health information exchange in public hospitals. The HIoT utilisation framework is a valuable reference to guide the utilisation of IoT services for information exchange towards improved healthcare services.,Ph.D.-
dc.publisherUKM, Bangi-
dc.relationFaculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat-
dc.subjectUniversiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations-
dc.subjectDissertations, Academic -- Malaysia-
dc.subjectInternet of things-
dc.subjectMedical care-
dc.titleUtilisation of Internet of Things (IoT) services in developing health informations exchange framework-
dc.identifier.callnoTK5105.8857.D338 2019 3 tesis-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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