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Title: Software process meta-modelling :an approach for defining and representing the software engineering process
Authors: Khdair Hisham S.M. (P58735 )
Supervisor: Zulaiha Othman, Associate Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Computer-aided software engineering.
Issue Date: 4-Jan-2015
Description: Software process modelling aims for defining and represensting the software engineering process in terms of models. Thus, a software process model is an abstract representation of the definition of a software process. It serves as a medium that allows a better understanding, managment and control of the software process. However, there is no unique software process model that fits all circumastances of software development. Software process meta-modelling rather provide standard meta-models that enable instantiating customized software process models for the context of the project in hand. However, none of the approaches has managed to introduce a compatible yet precise meta-model to include all necessary concepts and information for software process definition and representation. Moreover, many of them are not supported with a way that supports implementing the introduced concepts. This study aims to propose a software process meta-modelling approach for defining and representing the software process. The approach principally consists of, a Software Process Meta-Model and Notation (SP2MN) that is designed to provide a high expressivness of distinct software process concepts and information, in addition to a meta-process that provides ways of supporting software process model conception and usage. One key objective of the proposed approach is to facilitate user understandadibilty and communication within the software process. SP2MN, is composed of a software process abstraction meta-model, plus notations which reuses and extends BPMN 2.0 (OMG's process modelling standard) for the aim of software process representation. The meta-process, in turn, provides a set of steps, methods and techniques for defining and representing software processes. In this research, the Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) has been adopted. DSRM mainly consists of, the approach's design and development, demonstration, and evaluation phases. Demonstrating the approach's validity and applicability has been proved by being applied on mutliple case studies. One case study, is the standard benchmark ISPW-6 software process problem, another one is the agile scrum software process in a real time software development context. ISPW-6 has been used to evaluate the approach's expressivness in compared with other approaches handling the same standard. The users' perspective has been evaluated based on the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), using three main constructs, Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), and Intention to Use (ITU). The evaluations have shown that the proposed approach has contributed in enhancing the representation of software engineering processes, and the approach is useful and adoptable for users in the domain. Hence so, the proposed approach can be used as a standard for software process definition and representation.,Ph.D
Pages: 248
Call Number: QA76.758.K485 2016 3
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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