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dc.contributor.advisorNorela Sulaiman, Prof. Madya. Dr.-
dc.contributor.authorDewi Hidayati (P54912)-
dc.descriptionKajian ini merupakan kajian kesan Lusi terhadap ekosistem akuatik. Objektif penyelidikan ialah mengkaji kesan Lusi kepada ekosistem akuatik dan pesekitarannya meliputi kualiti udara, air dan sedimen. Selain itu mengkaji kesan Lusi kepada organisma dari sudut kepelbagaian plankton, ikan dan biomonitor in situ dengan kaedah ikan sangkar (Januari 2011 sehingga Februari 2012), di tapak hilir Sungai Porong (P1; P2 dan P3) dan di tali air yang berhampiran (IRC1; IRC2) serta tapak di hulu sebagai kawalan. Impak Lusi terhadap kualiti udara sekitaran ialah meningkatnya kepekatan H2S (1.5-2.9 ppm), zarah halus 2.5 (24-400 μg/m 3 ), toluen (0.3-0.9 ppm) dan total hidrokarbon (0.57-0.96 ppm) dengan purata indeks kualiti udara adalah 273 (status sangat tidak sihat). Kesan Lusi di hilir sungai Porong adalah meningkatnya kepekatan pepejal terampai (422-4177 mg/L) dan BOD (11- 120.5 mg/L) sehingga menurunkan kualiti air dari kelas III (hulu) menjadi kelas V (hilir) serta Indeks Kualiti Habitat dari markah 21 (status tinggi) menjadi 10-13 (status terhad). Corak komposisi logam di tapak hilir Porong adalah sama dengan efluen (Al> Fe>Pb>Mn>Zn>Cu>Cr>Cd), manakala dalam sedimen Al>Fe>Mn>Pb>Cu>Zn>Cr>Cd. Kesan Lusi yang utama adalah meningkatnya pencemaran logam Al dan Fe dalam air pada musim kering di sekitaran paip efluen Lusi (P1 dan P2). Kepekatan Al dan Fe di P1 dan P2 adalah signifikan lebih tinggi (p<0.05) jika dibandingkan dengan tapak kawalan. Julat kepekatan Al dan Fe dalam sedimen di tapak hilir tidak berbeza dengan tapak kawalan (p>0.05) dan tanah biasa. Kesan Lusi terhadap kualiti air dan sedimen di tali air adalah tidak signifikan (p>0.05). Indeks kepelbagaian (H') ikan di tapak P1 (H'=0.9) lebih rendah daripada tapak kawalan (H'=1.2), manakala H' fitoplankton di P1 (H'=1.4) adalah lebih kurang sama dengan kawalan (1.5). Impak Lusi yang paling tinggi diwakili oleh kualiti air di tapak P2, kerana kepekatan Al tinggi disertai pH dan TSS yang lebih rendah jika dibandingkan tapak yang berhampiran dengan efluen (P1). Parameter biopenanda daripada ikan sangkar yang didedahkan pada tapak P2 menunjukkan kualiti seperti berikut: kepekatan Al tubuh adalah 377.9 mg/kg (melebihi paras toleransi maksimum, 200 mg/kg); kadar survival (SR) 1 minggu adalah 24%, nilai kerosakan insang (HAI=histological alteration index) adalah >100, ketumpatan sel kromatofor sisik adalah 5-31 kromatofor/mm; peningkatan bilangan lubang serta penurunan spherule di permukaan sisik (27 lubang dan bilangan spherules ≤ 1.5/0.1 mm 2 ) manakala di kawalan Al=30 mg/kg; SR 1 minggu=93%, nilai HAI = 0.0-0.3, sisik mengandungi 183 kromatofor/mm 2 , permukaan sisik didapati lubang <1 dan 2.5 spherules/ 0.1 mm 2 . Hasil pengiraan nilai EQR di kawasan persampelan hilir Porong (0.40-0.43) dan tali air (0.42-0.45) menandakan bahawa status ekologi badan air yang menerima efluen dan persekitarannya dikategorikan sebagai rendah, manakala nilai EQR di hulu (kawalan) menunjukkan nilai lebih tinggi iaitu 0.72 yang menggambarkan status kualiti sungai ialah sederhana. Adalah dianggarkan beban pencemar Al dalam air untuk 10 tahun akan datang mencapai 17-20 kali ganda lebih tinggi daripada piawai. Oleh itu dapat disimpulkan bahawa Lusi memberi kesan negatif terhadap persekitaran akuatik meliputi kualiti udara dan air serta hidupan terutamanya ikan.,Lumpur Sidoarjo (abbreviation: LUSI) is mud erupted from a volcano in Sidoarjo, Indonesia since 2006 with an average flow of 90.000m 3 /day and discharges into the Porong River without any special process. The first investigation related to the impact of LUSI on the aquatic ecosystem and surrounding environment (January 2011 to February 2012) was conducted which included air quality, water and sediment. Biological response parameters such as diversity of plankton, diversity of fish and in situ biomonitoring using caged fish method were also performed at the downstream section of Porong River (P1,P2 and P3), the nearby canals (IRC1 ; IRC2) and at the upstream section as a control. LUSI contributed to the increased ambient air quality level with H2S concentration at (1.5-2.9 ppm, particles matter 2.5 (24-400 μg/m 3 ), toluene (0.3-0.9 ppm) and total hydrocarbon (0.57-0.96 ppm) resulting in an average air quality index status of 273 which is very unhealthy. The impact of LUSI at the downstream of Porong River include the increase in total suspended solids (TSS) concentration(422-4177 mg/L) and BOD (11-120.5 mg/L) which lowered the water quality criteria from Class III (upstream ) to Class V ( downstream) and the value of Habitat Quality Index from level 21 (high status) to 10-13 (limited status). The metal hierarchical composition at downstream Porong River was similar to that of the effluent (Al>Fe>Pb>Mn> Zn>Cu>Cr>Cd), while in the sediment it was Al>Fe>Mn>Pb> Cu>Zn>Cr>Cd. The main effect of LUSI is the increasing Al and Fe pollution in the water during dry season in areas around the effluent pipes (P1 and P2). Concentrations of Al and Fe in sites P1 and P2 were significantly higher (p<0.05) than at the control site, while metals in the Porong River sediment were not significantly different (p>0.05) with that of control and common soil. LUSI effects on water quality and sediment in irrigation canals were also not significant (p > 0.05). Diversity index (H ') of fish at site P1 (0.9) was lower than that at the control site (1.2), while H ' phytoplankton in site P1 (1.4) is approximately the same as the control (1.5). The LUSI toxicity was represented by site P2 due to its high concentration of Al which is accompanied by an acid pH of (6.0) and TSS that is lower than the neighboring site located at the initial flow of the effluent (P1). Biomarker parameters of caged fishes at site P2 exhibited the following qualities ie: the body Al level was 377.9 mg/kg (exceeding the maximum tolerance level, 200 mg/kg), survival rate (SR) for the 1st week was 24%, the Histological Alteration Index (HAI) was at a value of >100, density of scale chromatophore (chr) was 5-31 chr/mm 2 ; the increasing and decreasing number of pits and spherules on the scale surface (27 pits and spherules ≤ 1.5/0.1 mm 2 ). Meanwhile, the control site showed the following results ie: body Al level=30 mg/kg; SR for 1st week=93%, HAI=0.0-0.3, scale surface containing 183chr/mm 2 , <1 pit and 2.5 spherules/0.1 mm 2 . The Ecological Quality Ratio (EQR) values at upstream showed a higher value of 0.72 while the river quality status was rated moderate. The EQR in the downstream Porong River were (0:40 to 0:43) and at irrigation canals (0:42 to 0:45) indicate that the ecological status of the water bodies receiving effluent and the surrounding environment are categorized as low. For ten years later, Al pollution load possibly reach 17-20 times higher than the standard. As a conclusion, it can be said that LUSI affects the aquatic environment qualities including air, water and aquatic biota, primarily fish.,Ph.D-
dc.publisherUKM, Bangi-
dc.relationFaculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi-
dc.subjectEkosistem akuatik-
dc.subjectKualiti air-
dc.subjectMud volcanoes -Indonesia -Sidoarjo.-
dc.titlePenilaian kesan aliran lumpur sidoarjo kepada ekosistem akuatik-
dc.identifier.callnoQH541.5.W3 D448 2015-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

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