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Title: Ciri-ciri fizikokimia, antioksidan dan aktiviti biologi fukoidan terekstrak daripada rumpai laut perang (Sargassum binderi)
Authors: Lim Seng Joe (P57332)
Supervisor: Wan Aida Wan Mustapha, Prof Madya Dr
Keywords: Ciri-ciri fizikokimia
Kajian toksikologi
Kapasiti antioksida
Rumpai laut perang Malaysia
Sargassum binderi
Seashore biology
Issue Date: 23-Sep-2014
Description: Fukoidan merupakan sejenis polisakarida tersulfat dengan fukosa sebagai monosakarida utama yang lazimnya dijumpai dalam rumpai laut perang. Dalam kajian ini, fukoidan diekstrak dan dikenal pasti daripada rumpai laut Malaysia. Seterusnya, ciri-ciri fizikokimia serta aktiviti biologi fukoidan yang diekstrak ini ditentukan sebelum penggunaan sebagai produk minuman dijalankan. Kajian awalan menunjukkan Sargassum binderi mempunyai kandungan fukoidan tertinggi berbanding spesies lain, di mana hasil fukoidan sebanyak 7.50% (w/w) dengan ketulenan 91.27% telah dapat diekstrak. Oleh itu, Sargassum binderi dipilih untuk analisis selanjutnya. Fukoidan ini (Fsar) dikenal pasti dan disahkan dengan menggunakan kromatografi cecair prestasi tinggi (HPLC) dan spektroskopi inframerah transformasian Fourier (FTIR). Fsar kemudiannya dibandingkan dengan fukoidan komersil gred-makanan (Fysk). Didapati berat molekul Fsar (47.87 kDa) adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Fysk (27.98 kDa). Walau bagaimanapun, didapati bahawa indeks kepoliserakan Fsar (1.12) adalah lebih kecil berbanding Fysk (1.88). Analisis monosakarida menunjukkan kandungan fukosa dalam Fysk (43.30%) adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Fsar (34.50%). Sebaliknya, darjah pensulfatan Fsar (0.20) adalah lebih tinggi berbanding Fysk (0.15). Analisis resonans magnetik nukleus (NMR) mencadangkan Fsar mempunyai struktur utama →3)fuc-2-OSO3 -(1→3)fuc-2-OSO3 - (1→. Kandungan fenolik jumlah dan analisis antioksida primer (aktiviti penangkapan radikal bebas (DPPH) dan kuasa penurunan) antara Fsar dan Fysk tidak menunjukkan perbezaan bererti (p>0.05), tetapi adalah lebih rendah secara bererti (p<0.05) berbanding antioksida sintetik (BHA, BHT dan asid askorbik). Kapasiti antioksida sekunder dikenal pasti melalui aktiviti penangkapan superoksida anion (SOA) dan aktiviti penangkapan radikal hidroksil (·OH). Didapati Fsar mempunyai kapasiti antioksida sekunder yang lebih tinggi secara bererti (p<0.05) berbanding Fysk, BHA dan BHT. Kajian kesitotoksikan pada kepekatan sehingga 200 mg/ml menunjukkan perencatan sel adalah kurang daripada 50% (IC50). Keputusan ketoksikan akut diklasifikasikan sebagai kategori 5 (tidak diklasifikasikan) berdasarkan OECD Guideline 423, di mana dos tertinggi (2000 mg/kg) tidak menyebabkan mortaliti tikus. Kedua-dua keputusan ketoksikan tersebut menunjukkan bahan ini adalah selamat untuk dimakan. Aktiviti antioksida sekunder yang tinggi serta sifat ketidaktosikan Fsar menunjukkan ianya berpotensi untuk diaplikasikan dalam produk makanan. Dalam penggunaan Sargassum binderi sebagai produk minuman, teh rumpai laut telah dihasilkan, di mana didapati bahawa Sargassum binderi yang dikisar perlu dididihkan selama 20 min untuk mendapatkan aktiviti antioksida sekunder yang lebih tinggi secara bererti (p<0.05). Penopengan bau teh rumpai laut berjaya dijalankan dengan menggunakan 0.3% (v/v) pati lemon.,Fucoidan is a type of sulfated polysaccharide made up mainly of fucose and it is normally found in brown seaweeds. In this research, fucoidan was extracted and identified from Malaysian seaweeds. Subsequently, the physicochemical characteristics and biological activities of the extracted fucoidan were determined before the application as beverage were done. Preliminary studies showed that Sargassum binderi has the highest fucoidan content compared to other species, where yield of 7.50% (w/w) with 91.27% purity was successfully extracted. Therefore, Sargassum binderi has been chosen for further analysis. This fucoidan (Fsar) was identified and confirmed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy. Fsar was then compared with a commercial food-grade fucoidan (Fysk). It was found that the average molecular weight of Fsar (47.87 kDa) was higher compared to Fysk (27.98 kDa). However, the polydispersity index of Fsar (1.12) was lower than that of Fysk (1.88). The main monosaccharide in fucoidan, i.e. fucose, was found to be higher in Fysk (43.30%) compared to Fsar (34.50%). Being a sulfated polysaccharide, it was found that the degree of sulfation of Fsar (0.20) was higher compared to Fysk (0.15). The nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis showed that the main structure of Fsar was →3)fuc-2-OSO3 -(1→3)fuc-2-OSO3 -(1→. Total phenolic content and primary antioxidant analysis (free radical scavenging activity (DPPH) and reducing power) between Fsar and Fysk did not show any significant difference (p>0.05), but they are significantly (p<0.05) lower compared to that of synthetic antioxidants (BHA, BHT and ascorbic acid). The secondary antioxidant capacity was determined through superoxide anion (SOA) scavenging activity and hydroxyl radical (∙OH) scavenging activity. It was found that Fsar has significantly higher (p<0.05) secondary antioxidant capacity compared to that of Fysk, BHA and BHT. The cytotoxicity study at the concentration up to 200 mg/ml showed that cell inhibition was less than 50% (IC50). Acute toxicity result was classified as category 5 (unclassified) according to the OECD Guideline 423, where the highest dosage (2000 mg/kg) did not cause rat mortality. Both toxicity results showed that this material is safe to be consumed. The high secondary antioxidant activity content and non-toxic property of Fsar show its potential to be applied in food product. Seaweed tea was successfully developed in this research, where it was found that ground Sargassum binderi need to be brewed in boiling water for 20 mins to achieve significantly higher (p<0.05) secondary antioxidant activity. The masking of seaweed tea smell was done using 0.3% (v/v) lemon essence.,PhD
Pages: 147
Call Number: QK570.2.L538 2014 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

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