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Title: Penilaian ke atas sistem pengurusan memilih (SMS) dalam mencapai hutan pusingan kedua yang mapan : satu kajian kes di Negeri Terengganu
Authors: Wan Mohd Shukri Wan Ahmad (P32108)
Supervisor: Wan Juliana Wan Ahmad, Prof. Madya Dr.
Keywords: Sistem pengurusan memilih (SMS)
Forest management -- Data processing
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 26-Sep-2014
Description: Sistem Pengurusan Memilih (SMS) diperkenalkan pada tahun 1978 bertujuan membina rejim usahasil yang lebih fleksibel, bertepatan dengan kehendak pemeliharaan alam sekitar dan pada masa yang sama memenuhi permintaan pemasaran kayu. Berdasarkan peraturan pengurusan tersebut, kawasan yang diurus di bawah SMS haruslah memulih dengan baik dalam tempoh kitaran dan berupaya membekalkan sumber balak yang diperlukan oleh industri. Sehubungan dengan ini satu kajian telah dijalankan untuk menilai pencapaian SMS. Kebanyakan kajian terdahulu dijalankan secara berasingan dan menyukarkan penilaian keberkesanan SMS secara menyeluruh. Kekuatan kajian ini adalah menggunakan data yang komprehensif dan menjalankan analisa secara terperinci terhadap dua hutan 5-ha yang telah dibalak. Objektif umum kajian ini ialah membangunkan pendekatan menyeluruh dalam menilai keberkesanan preskripsi SMS untuk mencapai pengurusan hutan secara berkekalan melalui empat skop utama iaitu perbezaan struktur dirian, perubahan komposisi dirian, unjuran pemulihan populasi dan membandingkan nilai keluaran kayu balak. Kajian dijalankan di kompartmen 53 dan 114, di Hutan Simpan Jengai, Dungun, Terengganu. Kompartmen 53 dibalak pada 1993 dan kompartmen 114 pada 1987. Petak kajian seluas 5 ha yang dibahagikan kepada 125 sub-petak 20 m × 20 m dibina di setiap kompartmen yang dipilih. Bancian 100% dibuat ke atas pokok-pokok dengan diameter paras dada (dpd) 15 cm dan ke atas. Keputusan kajian menunjukkan struktur dirian kompartmen 114 mempunyai nilai yang lebih tinggi berbanding kompartmen 53 daripada segi bilangan (36%), luas pangkal (44%) dan isipadu (53%) pokok. Bilangan pokok tinggal menunjukkan kompartmen 53 hanya terdapat 18.8 pokok ha-1 dan kompartmen 114 mempunyai 26.60 pokok ha-1. Kedua-dua kompartmen secara jelas menunjukkan pengurangan peratusan kumpulan dipterokarpa berdiameter ≥ 30 cm dpd daripada dirian asal sebanyak 25.39% kepada 11.18% di kompartmen 53 dan 37.80% kepada hanya 17.92% di kompartmen 114. Kelimpahan pokok perintis seperti Mahang di dalam senarai sepuluh spesies teratas perlu diberi perhatian yang sewajarnya. Keputusan juga menunjukkan bahawa pembalakan telah menyebabkan penurunan jumlah biojisim atas tanah spesies dipterokarpa dengan begitu ketara. Berbanding dengan kawasan yang belum dibalak iaitu Pasoh memberikan nilai biojisim dipterokarpa 105.45 t ha-1 iaitu 35.75% daripada jumlah biojisim pokok, kompartmen 53 dan 114 di dalam kajian ini, biojisim dipterokarpa hanya 40.99 t ha-1 atau 14.73% dan 66.97 t ha-1 atau 16.29%. Unjuran isipadu dirian hutan bagi tebangan pusingan kedua mendapati kompartmen 53 hanya boleh menghasilkan antara 24.7 m3 ha-1-37.05 m3 ha-1 dan kompartmen 114 boleh menghasilkan antara 42.30 m3 ha-1-63.45 m3 ha-1. Anggaran nilai keluaran kayu balak di pusingan kedua berbanding pusingan pertama mendapati bahawa terdapat pengurangan sebanyak 18.57% di kompartmen 53 dan 21.31% di kompartmen 114. Sumbangan utama kajian ini ialah sembilan daripada sepuluh parameter yang dikaji menunjukkan pencapaian yang negatif dan memberi indikasi bahawa pencapaian hutan pusingan kedua yang mapan di bawah SMS memerlukan pelaksanaan langkah intervensi.,The Selective Management System (SMS) was introduced in 1978 to allow flexible timber harvesting regime in order to safeguard the environment and at the same time take advantage of the timber market demand. Based on its management prescriptions, areas managed under the SMS are expected to be well regenerated within the rotation period and capable of supplying required timber resources for the industry. In this regard, a study was conducted to evaluate the achievement of SMS. Most of the previous studies previous were carried out separately and difficult to assess the effectiveness of SMS as a whole. The strength of this study is comprehensive data were used and detail analyses were performed in on two 5-ha logged-over forest. The general objective of this study is to develop a comprehensive approach in evaluating the effectiveness of the prescription of SMS to achieve sustainable forest management through four main scopes which were the differences offorest stand structure, the changes in the stand composition, the recovery of projected population and the comparison of timber products value. The study was carried out in compartments 53 and 114, Hutan Simpan Jengai, Dungun, Terengganu. Compartment 53 were logged in 1993 and compartment 114 in 1987. A study plot of 5 ha which was divided to 125 sub-plots of 20 m × 20 m was established in each selected compartment. A 100% inventory was undertaken on trees 15 cm diameter at breast height (dbh) and above. Assessment of stand structure showed that compartment 114 had higher value compared to compartment 53 in terms of the tree density (36%), basal area (44%) and volume (53%). Density of trees in the residual stand showed that compartment 53 had only 18.8 tree ha-1 while compartment 114 had 26.60 trees ha-1. Clearly both compartments showed percentage reduction of dipterocarps, for tree diameter ≥ 30 cm dbh from the original stand. It was found that the dipterocarps group reduced from 25.39% to 11.18% in compartment 53 and 37.80% to only 17.92% in compartment 114. Abundance of pioneer species such as Mahang in the top ten species list needs to be given serious attention. Results also showed that the felling system under the SMS did not promote the maintenance of commercial species such as the dipterocarps. Results also clearly indicated that logging had resulted in a decline of total above ground biomass of dipterocarps. Compared to an unlogged forest area in Pasoh which had dipterocarps biomass of 105.45 t ha-1 or 35.75% of its total tree biomass, compartments 53 and 114 of the study area, the dipterocarps biomass of only 40.99 t ha-1 or 14.73% and 66.97 t ha-1 or 16.29% respectively. Stand volume projection showed that compartment 53 could only produced between 24.7 m3 ha-1-37.05 m3 ha-1 and compartment 114 was between 42.30 m3 ha-1-63.45 m3 ha-1 at the second cycle. Compared to the first cycle, timber production value in second cycle was estimated a reduction of about 18.57% and 21.31%. The major contribution of this research is that nine out of the ten parameters studied revealed negative results that indicated the achievement of sustainable second rotation forest under the SMS needs implementation of intervention steps.,Ph.D.
Pages: 134
Call Number: SD381.5.W343 2014 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

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