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Title: An investigation of online reading strategies employed by university students in interactive Reading For Academic Disciplines (iREAD)
Authors: Ruhil Amal Azmuddin (P80390)
Keywords: Reading comprehension
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 20-Jan-2020
Description: Information Communication Technology (ICT) is now an integral part of higher Information Communication Technology (ICT) is now an integral part of higher education in Malaysia, which is employed through MOOC, Kalam, and Edmodo. Despite its use, students are not able to fully benefit its full potential. This study investigates online reading strategies and use of Interactive Reading for Academic Disciplines (iREAD) to assist with reading of English for Science and Technology materials in a blended course. This study was mainly guided by Metacognitive Theory and Constructivism. Data were collected from 55 university students who were enrolled in English for Technical Communication in a public university on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The data collection consists of Online Survey of Reading Strategies (OSORS), semi-structure interviews, online annotations, screen recordings, online iscussion threads, and focus group interviews (two rounds) based on four research questions with the aims of identifying reading strategies and use of online tools to enhance learning. Analysis was descriptive and thematic, using SPSS and NVivo, respectively. The findings are divided into three phases: 1) Phase I: before iREAD, 2) Phase II: during iREAD, and 3) Phase III: after iREAD. The findings from Phase I revealed that learners utilize mainly problem-solving strategies when reading online materials with semantic challenges being the major online reading difficulty. The findings also revealed that majority of students utilized a mixed overview navigational strategy when reading online. The findings in Phase II revealed that the online tools assisted students in online reading. Annotation analyses revealed consistency in interview data when students were able to synthesize ideas and achieved phases of knowledge construction through asynchronous online discussions. Findings in Phase III revealed that English for Science and Technology materials and activities used in iREAD are beneficial to students. The implications from the findings sought the need for educators to make online reading strategies and English for Science and Technology content explicable in blended mode teaching and learning. This is to help students achieve comprehension of English for Science and Technology in an online environment. education in Malaysia, which is employed through MOOC, Kalam, and Edmodo. Despite its use, students are not able to fully benefit its full potential. This study investigates online reading strategies and use of Interactive Reading for Academic Disciplines (iREAD) to assist with reading of English for Science and Technology materials in a blended course. This study was mainly guided by Metacognitive Theory and Constructivism. Data were collected from 55 university students who were enrolled in English for Technical Communication in a public university on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. The data collection consists of Online Survey of Reading Strategies (OSORS), semi-structure interviews, online annotations, screen recordings, online discussion threads, and focus group interviews (two rounds) based on four research questions with the aims of identifying reading strategies and use of online tools to enhance learning. Analysis was descriptive and thematic, using SPSS and NVivo, respectively. The findings are divided into three phases: 1) Phase I: before iREAD, 2) Phase II: during iREAD, and 3) Phase III: after iREAD. The findings from Phase I revealed that learners utilize mainly problem-solving strategies when reading online materials with semantic challenges being the major online reading difficulty. The findings also revealed that majority of students utilized a mixed overview navigational strategy when reading online. The findings in Phase II revealed that the online tools assisted students in online reading. Annotation analyses revealed consistency in interview data when students were able to synthesize ideas and achieved phases of knowledge construction through asynchronous online discussions. Findings in Phase III revealed that English for Science and Technology materials and activities used in iREAD are beneficial to students. The implications from the findings sought the need for educators to make online reading strategies and English for Science and Technology content explicable in blended mode teaching and learning. This is to help students achieve comprehension of English for Science and Technology in an online environment.,'Certification of Masters/Doctoral Thesis' is not available,Ph.D.
Pages: 277
Call Number: LB1050.45.R836 2020 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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