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Title: A semantics analysis of acoustic prepositional deletion in the Quran: a cognitive linguistic and construction grammar approach
Authors: Adnan Mjali Falah Mbaideen (P86080)
Supervisor: Ashinida Aladdin, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Quran -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Quran -- Criticism, Textual
Islamic literature
Arabic -- History and criticism
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 15-Jun-2020
Description: This study investigates the linguistic phenomenon of Acoustic Prepositional Deletion (APD) in Arabic within the framework of Cognitive Linguistics (CL) proposed by George Lakoff and William Langacker and its relevant approaches mainly the Construction Grammar approach (CxG) of William Croft. The study identifies the spatial schema designated by the Arabic prepositions and considers the semantic effects of deleting these prepositions and the extent to which such a deletion may alter the spatial relationships existing between the entities of a construction. The study also examines the Quranic translations in the Quranic Arabic Corpus (QAC) to determine how APD is treated and whether there might be meaning retention/ distortion resulting from the new spatial relationships profiled. The study utilizes a qualitative content analysis technique as a research method for analysing and discussing a compilation of 32 Quranic constructions of APD. In particular, the study examines the deletion of seven prepositions in constructions preceded by intransitive verbs of verses in the Quran. The analysis reveals that in most cases the general function of APD is meaning widening. These include some peripheral functions related to meaning widening. APD also results in partially or totally different spatial relationships between the entities of a construction and presents a different conceptualization of the relationship between the entities. The findings validate the Cognitive Linguistics' notion that meaning is construction-specific. In addition, the study finds that variations in the degree of the translator's spatial loyalty to the spatial scene supports the claim that meaning is also language-specific.,Ph.D.
Pages: 280
Call Number: BP130.4.M363 2020 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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