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Title: Iranian teachers' integration of technology into teaching of writing through a community of practice approach
Authors: Peivand Zandi (P57014)
Supervisor: Pramela Krish, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: English language
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Issue Date: 30-Oct-2017
Description: Providing Iranian EFL teachers with the opportunity to understand the value of technology in a teaching and learning environment is crucial as most of them are unaware of the significance of technology in improving their quality of teaching. This study sets out to develop a community of practice to support teacher professional deveploment and students' writing in the Iranian context. For this purpose, blogging was introduced to a group of Iranian teachers as an online platform to share and discuss issues related to teaching of writing to their tertiary students. The aim of this study is to find out the Iranian teachers' view regarding their online experience after engaging in the blogging activities and to find out whether adoption and engagement in community of practice leads to their professional growth and also to their students' improvement in writing. The conceptual framework of the study stemmed from the social constructivism theory, and the community of practice and community of inquiry theories. This study employed a qualitative approach to collect data from seven EFL teachers from two universities in Abadan and Behshar in Iran through interviews, blog posts and teacher reflections. The findings of this study revealed that although teachers faced some challenges such as time constraints, anxiety and technical problem during their blogging activities they were able to support their students' writing more effectively. Teachers further elaborated that technology provided them with a supportive environment, good teaching and learning tools and an opportunity for increased technology use. The result further demonstrated the development of a Community of Practice as there was evidence of the presence of the different cognitive phases, namely exploration, integration and resolution, in the teacher blog posts and reflections. The study strongly suggested the viability of implementing an online community of practice to support teacher learning and professional growth and students' improvement of writing in an Iranian context.,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 339
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan

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