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Title: Factors affecting the teaching of the Phonics approach in the New Standard-Based English Language Primary Curriculum
Authors: Rabindra Dev Prasad Prasad V.P.N. (P53859)
Supervisor: Nooreiny Maarof, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Reading
English language
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Issue Date: 2-Jun-2016
Description: A MOE's research conducted in 2008 confirmed that more than 50,000 pupils in Year Two were unable to read and write. This prompted discussions on how to overcome the issue, which resulted in the implementation of the Phonics Approach in The New Standard-Based English Language Primary Curriculum (SBELC) as the only early reading approach suggested for Year One and Two pupils. The success of this implementation depends on the ability of Year One teachers to master this new approach and apply it during their reading lessons. Hence, this study examined the factors affecting the implementation of the approach by administering a survey questionnaire on 300 Year One teachers from selected urban based national primary schools in Peninsular Malaysia. Semi structured interviews and classroom observations were also carried out to provide more insights on the implementation process. The outcome of the study reported that the teachers lacked strong foundation in using the Phonics approach to teach early reading skills. Their prior knowledge on Phonics was moderate and insufficient to carry out the approach confidently. Training sessions for the teachers were reported to be inadequate even with 80% of the respondents having attended the curriculum orientation courses. The teachers also indicated their preference to include the Whole Language approach as an equivalent to the Phonics approach. Consequently, the implementation process was found to be flawed during the dissemination stage. Nevertheless, the outcome proved that the Year One pupils were able to use the Phonics approach to read. It is recommended that the Whole Language approach should be included in the 2017 curriculum policy review. Similarly, teacher readiness requires strengthening in the form of frequent professional development courses and assistance from the School Improvement Specialist Coaches (SISC+). Another policy suggested is the creation of a designated post for early reading teachers.,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 348
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikan

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