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Title: Penilaian pelaksanaan pentaksiran formatif di prasekolah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia
Authors: Suzana Binti Abd Mutalib (P53865)
Supervisor: Dr Jamil bin Ahmad
Keywords: Pentaksiran formatif
Prasekolah KPM
Peranan KPM
Issue Date: 1-Jul-2015
Description: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pelaksanaan program pentaksiran formatif di prasekolah KPM. Kajian ini menggunakan Model Penilaian CIPP yang dikemukakan oleh Stufflebeam et al. (1971) dengan memberikan fokus kepada elemen input, proses dan output. Pendekatan kaedah kajian gabungan menggunakan kaedah kajian tinjauan dan kajian kes intrinsik. Sampel kajian tinjauan terdiri daripada 477 orang guru prasekolah manakala seorang guru pakar dipilih menjadi responden kajian kes intrinsik. Dari segi sumber yang menyumbang kepada pelaksanaan program pentaksiran formatif, hasil kajian menunjukkan pengetahuan, kemahiran, kesan kursus terhadap kemahiran dan sikap, dan kemudahan dalam bilik darjah berada pada tahap tinggi. Sikap, kesan kursus terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan, dan peranan bahagianbahagian KPM membantu guru-guru berada pada tahap sangat tinggi. Peranan pihak pentadbir sekolah dan PPD berada pada tahap sederhana. Dari segi proses penilaian program pentaksiran formatif, hasil kajian mendapati aspek perancangan, pembentukan aktiviti, melaksanakan pentaksiran, merekodkan data, menganalisis data dan membentuk persekitaran pentaksiran dalam bilik darjah berada pada tahap tinggi, manakala aspek memberi maklum balas dan aras aktiviti berada pada tahap sangat tinggi. Dari segi penggunaan hasil pentaksiran formatif, kajian ini mendapati secara keseluruhannya guru menggunakan maklumat pentaksiran untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran berada pada tahap sangat tinggi, manakala untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran dan motivasi murid berada pada tahap tinggi. Analisis MANOVA secara keseluruhan menunjukkan terdapat perbezaan berdasarkan jenis sekolah dalam aspek kemahiran, sikap dan kemudahan, terdapat perbezaan berdasarkan lokasi sekolah dalam aspek pengetahuan dan kemahiran, terdapat perbezaan berdasarkan hadir kursus dalam aspek pengetahuan, kemahiran dan sikap, dan terdapat perbezaan berdasarkan jenis sekolah dalam aspek menggunakan maklumat pentaksiran untuk meningkatkan kualiti pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Analisis Regresi Berganda mendapati faktor yang menyumbang kepada penggunaan hasil pentaksiran formatif ialah membentuk persekitaran pentaksiran, maklum balas, sikap, aras aktiviti, merekodkan maklumat dan membina instrumen pentaksiran. Peserta kajian kes intrinsik menunjukkan penguasaan pengetahuan, kemahiran dan bersikap positif, cemerlang dalam melaksanakan setiap aspek dalam elemen proses sehingga membentuk persekitaran pentaksiran telah menyerlahkan amalan pentaksiran formatif untuk dijadikan contoh kepada guru-guru lain. Implikasi kajian dalam mencapai matlamat pelaksanaan pentaksiran formatif yang berkualiti, pihak pentadbir sekolah, PPD, JPN dan bahagian-bahagian KPM perlu mengadakan kursus secara lebih kerap dan berterusan bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan, kemahiran guru seterusnya membentuk sikap positif terhadap pentaksiran formatif. Pemantauan terhadap pelaksanaan pentaksiran perlu dibuat secara sistematik, berkala dan berterusan bagi memastikan setiap kursus memberi manfaat sepenuhnya kepada pendidikan secara keseluruhan.,This study intended to evaluate the implementation of the formative assessment programme in the Ministry of Education (MOE) preschools. The study used the CIPP evaluation model introduced by Stufflebeam et al (1971) focusing on the elements of input, process, and output. The study used mixed method approach of survey research and intrinsic case study. The quantitative sample of the study was made up of 477 preschool teachers with one also chosen to become the respondent for the intrinsic case study part of the study. In terms of the factors that contributed to the implementation of the formative assessment programme, the study found that the level for teachers knowledge, skills, effect of courses on the improvement of teachers' skills and attitude, and facilities in the classroom were high. The levels for attitude, effect of courses on knowledge improvement, and the roles of KPM in helping teachers were very high. The level for the roles of school administrators and District Education Officer (PPD) in helping teachers ware moderate. In terms of the process of the formative assessment programme, the result of the study indicated that the levels for the aspects of planning, forming of activities, implementing assessment, recording data, analyzing data, and creating a environment of assessment in the classroom were high, the level for the aspects of giving feedback and level of activities was very high. Using the output of the implementation of the formative assessment programme, this study found that as a whole the level for teachers use the information from formative assessment to improve the quality of teaching and learning was very high and the level for teachers use the information of formative assessment to improve pupils learning and motivation was high. MANOVA analysis showed there were differences in the aspects of skills, attitude and facilities between types of schools, in the aspects of knowledge and skills between locations of schools, in the aspects of knowledge, skills and attitude based on course attendance, and in the aspect of teachers use information from assessment to improve the quality of teaching and learning between types of schools. Multiple regression analysis revealed that factors which contributed to the use of the output of the formative assessment include creating the environment of assessment, feedback, attitude, levels of activities, information recording, and creating instruments for assessment. The respondent for the intrinsic case study displayed mastery in terms of knowledge, skills, positive attitude, and excellence in implementing every aspect in the element of process which enabled the creation of assessment's environment and this has excelled her practice of formative assessment for other teachers to use as example. As implication of the study in terms of achieving the objective of the implementation of quality formative assessment, schools administrators, PPDs, State Education Departments (JPNs) and different divisions in MOE need to organize courses more frequently and continuously to improve knowledge and skills to create positive attitudes towards formative assessment. Supervisions on the implementation of assessment needs to be carried out continuously systematically and periodically to ensure courses conducted provide maximum benefit.
Pages: 452
Call Number: LB1140.25.M4S859 2015
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikan

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