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Title: Evaluating geography teachers' concerns towards the 5E instructional model in the competency based curriculum reforms of Sri Lanka
Authors: Fareed Mohamed Nawastheen (P53863)
Supervisor: Sharifah Nor Puteh, Dr.
Keywords: 5E instructional model
Competency-based education - Sri Lanka
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2014
Description: Kajian ini ialah untuk menilai keprihatinan guru geografi terhadap Model Instruksi 5E (5E Instructional Model) reformasi kurikulum berasaskan kompetensi di Sri Lanka.Untuk tujuan ini Model Penerimaan Berasaskan Keprihatinan atau Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) telah dijadikan kerangka teoritikal untuk menilai tahap keprihatinan guru geografi menggunakan Model Instruksi 5E. Kajian mengguna pakai reka bentuk Kaedah Campuran Penerokaan (Explanatory Mixed-Method) untuk pengumpulan data. Responden bagi pendekatan kuantitatif perihal Peringkat Keprihatinan (Stages of Concern, SoC) terdiri daripada 311 guru geografi dari sekolah menengah dalam daerah Kalutara, di Sri Lanka. Sejumlah 9 orang guru geografi yang telah menunjukkan keprihatinan yang tinggi dalam tinjauan soal selidik dipilih untuk kaedah kualitatif berkenaan Tahap Penggunaan (Levels of Use, LoU) dan Konfigurasi Inovasi (Innovation Configuration, IC). Kajian ini mengguna pakai instrumen yang diadaptasi daripada instrumen asal CBAM iaitu soalselidik peringkat keprihatinan (SoCQ), protokol temubual asas dan peta konfigurasi inovasi. Data diperoleh daripada soalselidik dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif (purata dan sisihan piwaian), statistik inferensi (independence t-test dan one way ANOVA) dan profil persentil. Manakala data diperoleh daripada temubual dan pemerhatian guru-guru berkenaan bagi aspek tahap penggunaan dan konfigurasi inovasi dianalisis berdasarkan garis panduan kajian CBAM. Hasil analisis SoC memperlihatkan guru masih lagi berada di peringkat keprihatinan awalan berhubung pelaksanaan Model 5E. Analisis merentas kumpulan guru-guru bersandarkan medium pengajaran, lokasi, jenis sekolah, umur, kelayakan akademik dan pengalaman mereka menunjukkan perbezaan yang ketara dalam peringkat keprihatinan mereka terhadap penggunaan Model 5E. Hasil analisis temubual menunjukkan tahap penggunaan keseluruhan guru-guru geografi berada dalam julat di antara LoU II-persediaan dan LoU IVA-rutin. Namun begitu, ramai didapati kekal di LoU II-persediaan. Perbezaan yang serupa juga berlaku bagi tahap pengunaan mereka bersandarkan medium pengajaran, lokasi, jenis sekolah, pengalaman dan kelayakan akademik guru-guru. Hasil pemerhatian dalam kelas mendapati ramai guru tidak mencapai tahap pengajaran yang sepatutnya dalam pelaksanaan Model 5E. Strategi intervensi dicadangkan sebagai usaha untuk membawa guru geografi ke arah mencapai peringkat keprihatinan dan tahap penggunaan yang lebih tinggi serta mendorong mereka mengamal Model 5E dalam pengajaran mereka pada tahap ideal. Kajian ini menyumbang kepada perluasan aplikasi CBAM berasaskan medium pengajaran, jenis sekolah dan umur guru dalam penilaian reformasi kurikulum.,The purpose of the study is to evaluate geography teachers' concerns in implementing the 5E instructional model in the competency based curriculum reforms of Sri Lanka. The Concern-Based Adoption Model (CBAM) was employed as theoretical and conceptual framework underlying the study. An explanatory mixed method design was used for data collection. The respondents for quantitative approach on Stages of Concern (SoC) consisted of 311 geography teachers from secondary schools in Kalutara district, Sri Lanka. A total of nine (9) geography teachers who shown their high concerns in the survey was selected for the qualitative methods on Levels of Use (LoU) and Innovation Configuration (IC). The study used adapted instruments such as Stages of Concern Questionnaire (SoCQ), basic interview protocol and innovation configuration map from the actual instruments of CBAM. The data obtained from questionnaires was analysed using descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation), inferential statistics (independence t-test and one way ANOVA) and percentiles profiles. While data obtained from interviews and classroom observations of geography teachers in terms of their LoU and IC of the curricular innovation were analysed based on the CBAM guidelines. The findings from analysis of SoCQ showed teachers remained at the initial SoC over the implementation of the 5E instructional model. The analysis across group of teachers in terms of medium of instruction, location, school types, age, qualifications and experience revealed significant differences in their SoC regarding the 5E model. The results from the interviews revealed that geography teachers overall use of the innovation ranged from LoU II-preparation to LoU IVA- routine, whilst many remained at LoU II- preparation. Similarly, the geography teachers differed in LoU based on their medium of instruction, location, school types, experiences and academic qualifications. The classroom observations showed that many teachers did not reach acceptable level of teaching in using the 5E model. The study suggested several intervening strategies to take geography teachers to the higher SoC and LoU as well as motivate teachers to practice at the ideal level of teaching using the 5E model. The study also extended application of CBAM using variables medium of instruction, types of school and teachers' age in evaluating curriculum reforms.,PhD
Pages: 330
Call Number: LC1033.5.S72N348 2014 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Education / Fakulti Pendidikan

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