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dc.contributor.advisorAbdul Basir Mohamad, Prof. Dr.-
dc.contributor.authorMohd Izhar Ariff Mohd Kashim (P50632)-
dc.descriptionProduk makanan ubah suai genetik (GMF) yang terhasil menerusi kaedah manipulasi asid deosiribonukleik (DNA) haiwan yang kemudiannya dipindahkan kepada organisma lain semakin rancak diusahakan oleh sebahagian saintis semenjak awal 1990an lagi. Ia bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pelbagai produk makanan yang berkualiti tinggi dan mampu mengurangkan kos pengeluaran sama ada terhadap haiwan ternakan atau tanaman transgenik. Kesemua produk ini memerlukan kepada hukum yang baharu. Kajian ini membincangkan prinsip penentuan hukum syarak berhubung GMF dengan melihat kepada pandangan para fuqaha empat mazhab. Sehubungan itu, prinsip penentuan hukum ini hanya difokuskan kepada GMF yang berasaskan haiwan sahaja. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti keterangan al-Qur'an, al-Sunnah dan dalil-dalil syarak berhubung dasar umum penentuan hukum sesuatu makanan. Kajian ini juga turut mengkaji prinsip-prinsip bagi menentukan hukum produk makanan GMF yang berasaskan haiwan. Bagi memudahkan lagi aplikasi prinsip-prinsip tersebut ke atas produk GMF, kajian dan analisis terhadap kaedah asas penghasilan makanan ubah suai genetik (GMF) yang berasaskan haiwan turut dilakukan. Kajian ini memilih analisis kandungan sebagai reka bentuk kajian untuk menentukan hukum makanan ubah suai genetik yang berasaskan haiwan. Bagi pengumpulan data, kajian ini menggunakan analisis dokumen dan temu bual separa berstruktur. Penganalisisan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif, komparatif dan pentarjihan terhadap sumber primer fiqah. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa al-Qur'an, al-Sunnah dan dalil-dalil syarak telah pun menggariskan dasar-dasar umum penentuan hukum sesuatu makanan. Menerusi dasardasar umum ini, enam prinsip penentuan hukum GMF berasaskan haiwan telah berjaya dihasilkan iaitu, prinsip halal haram haiwan, prinsip penyembelihan haiwan, prinsip 'tidak bersumberkan najis', prinsip istihalah tammah, prinsip maslahah mafsadah dan akhir sekali prinsip darurat. Kajian ini juga mendapati bahawa produk GMF berasaskan haiwan tidak boleh ditentukan hukumnya selagi kaedah asas penghasilannya tidak dikenal pasti terlebih dahulu. Justeru, bagi memastikan sesuatu produk GMF berasaskan haiwan itu halal dimakan, maka ia mestilah melepasi kesemua prinsip-prinsip tersebut. Jika ia gagal menepati salah satu daripada prinsipprinsip yang ditetapkan itu, maka hukum memakannya adalah haram kecuali dalam keadaan darurat. Secara keseluruhannya, kajian ini amat relevan kerana ia dapat membantu pihak berwajib seperti Unit Hub Halal Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) dalam menyelesaikan isu-isu penentuan hukum.,Genetically modified food (GMF) products which are produced through manipulation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), of animal then transferred to another organism, has been widely undertaken by a number of scientist since early nineties. This is done with the purpose of producing variety of high quality food products of livestock and transgenic agriculture origin with lesser cost. Novelty of these products necessitates new juristic rulings as regards their legal status. This research therefore, deals with the principles pertaining to the determination of legal status of GMF according to the four schools of thought. The focus is made only on the principles related to the animal based GMF. The objective of the research is to identify the Qur'anic injunctions, prophetic traditions and juristic evidences related to the determination of the legal status of food. This study also attempts to examine the principles pertaining to the determination of the legal status of genetically modified animal based food products. The method of the production of genetically modified animal based food products is also analysed in this study to facilitate the application of the relevant juristic principles to it. This research has selected the contents analysis as a research design in determining legal status of animal based genetically modified food. In data collection, this research has selected the document analysis and semi-structured interview. Data were analysed using the descriptive, comparative and tarjih approaches against premier fiqh sources. The outcome of the research shows that the general basis of determining the legal status of genetically modified animal based food products, are already laid down in the Qur'an, prophetic traditions and other related legal sources. Therefore, based on this general basis, six juristic principles pertaining to determination of the legal status GMF can be generated which comprise; the principle of permissibility and impermissibly, principle of slaughtering animal, principle of not being drawn from impure source, principle of complete istihalah, (complete switchover) principle of maslahah and mafsada (benefit and harm) and finally the principle of necessity. The research also established that the legal status of GMF of animal origin cannot be determined prior to the knowledge of the method of its production. Therefore, in order to make sure that GMF animal origin is permissible, it must pass the criterion based on the said principles. Failing to pass the requirement of the set criterion, its consumption will be considered impermissible from shari'ah perspective with the exception of the case of necessity. As a whole, this study is extremely important and highly relevant, for it could provide significant guide and assistance to the relevant authorities such as Halal Hub of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, in resolving issues pertaining to the determination of the legal status of things.,Ph.D.,Genetically modified food (GMF) products which are produced through manipulation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), of animal then transferred to another organism, has been widely undertaken by a number of scientist since early nineties. This is done with the purpose of producing variety of high quality food products of livestock and transgenic agriculture origin with lesser cost. Novelty of these products necessitates new juristic rulings as regards their legal status. This research therefore, deals with the principles pertaining to the determination of legal status of GMF according to the four schools of thought. The focus is made only on the principles related to the animal based GMF. The objective of the research is to identify the Qur'anic injunctions, prophetic traditions and juristic evidences related to the determination of the legal status of food. This study also attempts to examine the principles pertaining to the determination of the legal status of genetically modified animal based food products. The method of the production of genetically modified animal based food products is also analysed in this study to facilitate the application of the relevant juristic principles to it. This research has selected the contents analysis as a research design in determining legal status of animal based genetically modified food. In data collection, this research has selected the document analysis and semi-structured interview. Data were analysed using the descriptive, comparative and tarjih approaches against premier fiqh sources. The outcome of the research shows that the general basis of determining the legal status of genetically modified animal based food products, are already laid down in the Qur'an, prophetic traditions and other related legal sources. Therefore, based on this general basis, six juristic principles pertaining to determination of the legal status GMF can be generated which comprise; the principle of permissibility and impermissibly, principle of slaughtering animal, principle of not being drawn from impure source, principle of complete istihalah, (complete switchover) principle of maslahah and mafsada (benefit and harm) and finally the principle of necessity. The research also established that the legal status of GMF of animal origin cannot be determined prior to the knowledge of the method of its production. Therefore, in order to make sure that GMF animal origin is permissible, it must pass the criterion based on the said principles. Failing to pass the requirement of the set criterion, its consumption will be considered impermissible from shari'ah perspective with the exception of the case of necessity. As a whole, this study is extremely important and highly relevant, for it could provide significant guide and assistance to the relevant authorities such as Halal Hub of the Department of Islamic Development Malaysia, in resolving issues pertaining to the determination of the legal status of K-
dc.publisherUKM, Bangi-
dc.relationFaculty of Islamic Studies / Fakulti Pengajian Islam-
dc.subjectHukum syarak-
dc.subjectHaiwan ternakan-
dc.subjectMuslims-dietary laws-
dc.titlePenentuan hukum makanan ubah suai genetik (GMF) berasaskan haiwan-
dc.identifier.callnoBP184.9.D5 M835 2013 tesis-
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Islamic Studies / Fakulti Pengajian Islam

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