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dc.contributor.advisorAbdul Ghafar Ismail, Prof. Dr.
dc.contributor.authorRosilawati Amiruddin (P28857)
dc.descriptionThis study aims to empirically test the relationship between financial intermediaries variablesa ndc omponentosf aggregatdee mandP. reviouss tudiesp ut muchc oncerno n the relationshipo r causalityb etweenfi nancea nde conomicg rowtha nda red onea t macrol evel by usingc ross-countrdy ata.W herea s in this studym icro-econometriacn alysisi s being appliedo ntoa panelo f l9 conventionaclo mmerciabla nksin Malaysiafo r overa periodo f 14 years( 1997-2010t)o prove the importanceo f financialv ariablesin affectingt he decisionm akingo f economica gentsb eingt he householdsfi,r ms and the government. Specificationosf estimationm odelsa re beingc ontructedb asedo n theoreticavl iewso f the respectivec omponentso f aggregated emandT. he financials ectorv ariablest hat indicate the role of financial intermediationa nd financial developmenta re included into the respectivee quationsT. he methodo f estimationis GeneralisedM ethod of Moments (GMM) to addressth e issueso f heterogeneitye,n dogeneitayn dm easuremenetr rorsi n the specificationosf the models.R esultso btaina rer obusta nd estimatesa re valid, consistent, and unbiasedT. he findingsi ndicatet hat financialv ariablesc an influenceth e levelso f householdco nsumptionp,r ivatei nvestmenatn dg overnmenetx penditursei gnificantlyA. weakere ffecto f the financiali ntennediationva riableb ut a strongere ffecto f the financial developmenint dicatoro n the componentosf aggregatdee mandO. therc ontrolv ariables that are used in the estimateds pecificationsp roducer esultst hat are consistentw ith economicth eoriesH. encet,h is studys uggesttsh att heg overmencta ni mplemenmt onetary policy through the financial sector in order to promote real economic activities and ultimatelyth ee conomicg rowtho f Malaysia.,PhD
dc.publisherUKM, Bangi
dc.relationFaculty of Economy and Management / Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan
dc.subjectFinancial Intermediation And Aggregate Demand
dc.titleMicro.Econometric Evidence On The Relationship Between Financial Intermediation And Aggregate Demand
dc.identifier.callnoHB139 .R647 2013
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Economy and Management / Fakulti Ekonomi dan Pengurusan

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