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Title: Comparative evaluation of shear bond strength of glass ionomer cements with the use of resin modified glass ionomer cement universal adhesive
Authors: Mohd Safwani Affan Alli bin Awang Talip (P71731)
Supervisor: S. Nagarajan a/l M.P Sockalingam, A/P Dr.
Keywords: Glass ionomer cement (GIC)
Riva Self Cure HV
Riva Bond LC
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 21-Sep-2016
Description: This study aims to comparatively evaluate the shear bond strength (SBS) of two commercially available glass ionomer cements (GIC) €“ Riva Self Cure HV (SDI Ltd., Victoria, Australia) and GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA (GC America Inc., Alsip, USA) with and without the use of Riva Bond LC (SDI Ltd., Victoria, Australia), a resin-modified glass ionomer cement (RMGIC), a light cured universal adhesive for direct restorations. 60 extracted sound premolars were selected, and dentin on the occlusal surface was exposed. Specimens were randomly assigned into four groups according to the restorative materials tested. SBS tests were performed, and the obtained values were statistically analyzed using One-way ANOVA and Tukey tests (p < 0.05). SBS mean values were recorded in mega Pascal (MPa) and the mode of failure was assessed using stereomicroscope. Spearman€™s rho correlation test was done to determine association between SBS values and modes of failure. SBS (in MPa) was €“ Group 1(Riva Self Cure HV without adhesive)-6.27, Group 2 (Riva Self Cure HV with Riva Bond LC)-7.86, Group 3 (GC Fuji IX GP EXTRA without adhesive)-6.57 and Group 4(Fuji IX GP EXTRA with Riva Bond LC)-9.02. Tukey tests revealed significant increase in SBS when Riva Bond LC adhesive used for the two GICs tested. The predominant failure mode was cohesive in Group 1 and 3 (without adhesive) and adhesive in Group 2 and 4 (with Riva Bond LC). A strong positive correlation between mode of failure and SBS values further supported the improvement in adhesion when adhesive is used. The increase in SBS values accompanied by an increase in the adhesive percentage of failure mode for Group 2 and 4, whereas the increase in SBS values accompanied by an increase in the cohesive percentage of failure mode for Group 1 and 3. The use of Riva Bond LC adhesive would improve clinical retentiveness and longevity of GIC.,Ijazah Doktor Pergigian Klinikal (Pergigian Pediatrik)
Pages: 64
Call Number: WU20.5.M697c 2016 9
Publisher: UKM, Kuala Lumpur
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Dentistry / Fakulti Pergigian

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