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Title: User acceptance study on online hypermarket shopping system based on UTAUT model
Authors: Roham Yeganegi (P64689)
Supervisor: Nur Fazidah Elias, Dr.
Keywords: Teleshopping -- Social influence
Teleshopping -- Performance
Electronic devices
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 19-Jan-2016
Description: Online hypermarket shopping system is an online shopping service using electronic devices such as computers, mobile devices and tablet with the access to the internet. It is designed and created for the purpose of facilitating user in grocery shopping. In spite of its purpose, there are still people who are not willing to use this system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to evaluate the user acceptance on online hypermarket shopping system in Malaysia based on a proposed UTAUT model. The first objective of this study is identifying the right model to examine the effect of variables such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy and social influence on the intention to purchase through online hypermarket shopping system. After identifying the right model based on previous studies, the next step is investigating the acceptance of model using appropriate statistical methods to examine the relationship between variables. The proposed UTAUT modal have additional constructs such as perceived cost and perceived trust. Besides that, word-of-mouth is also being introduced into the model and only age moderator is included. In order to gather the relevant data for this measure, a survey approach had been chosen. The questionnaire is designed based on the related past research questionnaires. Each construct has its own set of questions. The questionnaires were distributed and gathered at hypermarkets in Malaysia. The results from the survey show that user behavior on using the system are positively related to performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating condition, perceived trust and perceived cost. When comes to online transaction and online service, people take consideration on the trustworthy of the system and the charge of the services. Apart from that, the moderation of age only affects performance expectancy and effort expectancy. Trust and cost are not moderated by age. Users are concerned of the security and charges of the system irrespective of their age. The behavioral intention of user is proven to motivate word-of-mouth from the users. Once users feel satisfy of the system, they keep using it and spread the word about the system to others. The findings allow us to determine which aspects of the system are major concerns when users are using the system. Finally, the findings from this project are contributed to the design of better online hypermarket system design and future researchers can use this document as a reference in their online system research.,Master of Information Technology
Pages: 68
Call Number: TX335.Y434 2016 3 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Information Science and Technology / Fakulti Teknologi dan Sains Maklumat

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