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Title: Design and implementation of an ultra low power energy harvester based on piezoelectric vibration transducer
Authors: Sarker Md. Mahidur Rahman (P54460)
Supervisor: Md. Shabiul Islam, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-Dissertations.
Piezoelectric transducers.
Low voltage integrated circuits
Issue Date: 1-Nov-2012
Description: One of the most widely used energy harvesting techniques for micro-power applications is piezoelectric materials. The materials convert vibrational energy to electrical energy. The interface circuits between the piezoelectric device and micro power devices play an important role in the energy harvesting process. Most of the previous techniques are mainly passive-based energy harvesting circuits. Generally, the power harvesting capability of the passive technique is very low. The techniques of using passive components are capable to provide the power gain. To increase the harvested energy at least to the level of 0.3V, which is the required supply voltage, the active technique and its components have been chosen such as MOSFET, thyristor and transistors to design the proposed energy harvesting circuit. In this research work, both the conventional passive and active harvesting circuit have designed and developed for Ultra-Low-Power (ULP) energy harvester. The developed ULP circuits consists of piezoelectric element with input source of vibration, AC-DC MOSFET bridge full-wave rectifier circuit, voltage regulator and DC-DC step-up (boost-up) converter using thyristor with storage device. In the development of active-based circuits, the AC-DC MOSFET bridge rectifier circuit and DC-DC step-up (boost-up) converter with thyristor have been designed instead of mainly diode and other components. Since the forward voltage potential (0.7V) is higher than the incoming input voltage (0.3V), the voltage regulator circuit using MOSFET and op amp components have also been designed to stabilise the rectified DC voltage. Finally, the complete energy harvester circuit using the PSPICE software have been designed and simulated. The proposed circuits in PSPICE generate the boost-up DC voltage up to 1.67V. In the hardware implementation using breadboard, similar results as predicted by PSPICE are obtained. The energy harvesting system is able to give the maximum voltage of 1.50 V and current of 15uA for input voltage of 0.3V. The overall efficiency of the developed circuit is greater than 85%, following the software simulation and hardware implementation results. It is concluded that this developed circuit output voltage can be used to operate for the applications in micro-devices.,“Certification of Master’s Thesis” is not available,MASTER OF SCIENCE
Pages: 118
Call Number: TK7872.P54S346 2013 3
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute of Microengineering and Nanoelectronics / Institut Kejuruteraan Mikro dan Nanoelektronik (IMEN)

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