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Title: An analatical study of ahadith Rubaiyyat narated by Ibn Majah separately from al-Kutub Al-Khamsah
Authors: Mustafa Mahmood Ali (P87086)
Supervisor: Fadlan Mohd Othman, Dr.
Keywords: Hadith rubaiyyat
Ibn Majah
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 18-Feb-2010
Description: The study aims to examine ahadith rubaiyyat of Sunan al-Imam Ibn Majah apart from al-Kutub al-Khamsah. This study focuses on the collection of hadith, extracting the hadith (takhrij) and analyzing from the beginning of the chapter al-Sunnah until the end of the chapter al-Zuhd. The question of the study is focused on the arguments of al-Imam al-Hafiz Abu al-Hajjaj al-Mizzi as he said, “Each of Ibn Majah narration which is narrated alone is dacif” which means that any hadith narrated alone by Ibn Majah without association by the other five imams is dacif. However, al-Imam Ibn Hajar refers to the word al-Mizzi focusing on the weakness of sanad and not the matn (text). The objective of the study is to identify the transmitters of the companions and transmitters who are solely narrated by Ibn Majah excluded from al-Kutub al-Khamsah. This study also to examine the transmitters who were sharing the narration with Ibn Majah and the author of al-Kutub al-Khamsah. Also, to identify the hadiths of the sanad cali narrated by al-Imam Ibn Majah. This study uses a data-gathering method that focuses on ahadith rubaciyyat and then using the method of analysis of criticism in criticizing the narrators and expressing their status. The results of the study demonstrated that there were 268 hadith from ahadith rubaciyyat, 210 of which were narrated by al-Imam Ibn Majah and the author of al-Kutub al-Khamsah, while 58 hadiths were narrated alone. Of the 58 hadith, there are 15 hadith which are sahih, 23 are hasan, and 20 are dacif. The findings reveal that not all the hadith narrated alone by al-Imam Ibn Majah are dacif. The implication of this study is to deliver awareness of the importance of sanad studies and the significant to review the statements of the scholars' in general criticism of the particular works in the hadith.,“Certification of Masters/Doctoral Thesis” is not available,Master of Islamic Studies
Pages: 392
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Islamic Studies / Fakulti Pengajian Islam

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