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Title: Puisi pilihan Al-Tha Libī dalam Yatīmat Al-Dahr
Authors: al-Rawahnih 'Ala' Ata Allah 'Awwad (P47282)
Supervisor: Ustaz Dr. Tengku Ghani Tengku Jusoh
Keywords: Puisi Al-Tha ālibī
Yatīmat Al-Dahr
Arabic-early works to 1800
Issue Date: 17-May-2012
Description: Kajian ini menggarap puisi-puisi terpilih karya al-Tha' ālibī dalam buku Yatimat alDahr fi Mahasin Ahl alc Asr dan Tatimmah. Ia adalah puisi terpilih yang menerusinya kita dapat mengetahui suasana kesusasteraan pada era al-Tha c ālibī. Beliau merupakan sasterawan yang banyak menghasilkan puisi, prosa dan karya-karya sastera yang bernilai. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengenali sasterawan bernama al-Tha c ālibī serta puisi, prosa dan karya-karya sastera dan bahasanya. Ia juga menjelaskan puisi-puisi terpilih beliau dalam kitab Yatimat al-Dahr dan Tatimmah, di samping memaparkan pendapat kritisnya terhadap puisi tersebut, rujukan yang digunakan dalam penghasilan puisinya, mengenalpasti suasana persekitaran puisi dari sudut sastera, di samping menjelaskan ciri keunggulan al-Tha c ālibī dalam puisi terpilihnya berbanding tokohtokoh lain sebelum dan selepas beliau. Kajian ini menggunakan metode tinjauan menyeluruh dengan mengumpul maklumat daripada rujukan yang ada, di samping metode analisis untuk menganalisis metode al-Tha c ālibī dalam pengarangan bukunya secara khusus serta puisi-puisi terpilih dan kritikannya. Antara dapatan kajian terpenting ialah, al-Tha c ālibī sangat kreatif dalam berkarya, sama ada puisi, prosa mahupun karya-karya sastera lainnya. Dari segi puisi, beliau adalah setanding dengan pemuisi lain kerana kreativitinya dalam kebanyakan tema puisi dari sudut pemilihan kata dan gaya pengungkapannya yang sangat puitis. Dari sudut prosa pula, beliau punya deria prosa yang sensitif melalui pemilihan kata juga gaya pengungkapannya. Dari sudut karya sastera pula, buku Yatimat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl alc Asr dan Tatimmah adalah antara buku biografi terhebat, kerana al-Tha c ālibī menukilkan dengan indah biografi sebilangan besar para pemuisi zamannya, beliau memilih sejumlah besar puisi yang pelbagai, tidak terbatas kepada satu tema. Kajian juga memaparkan sumber rujukan al-Tha c ālibī yang pelbagai; ada daripada teks sima‘i, buku dan juga antologi puisi. Beliau juga punya citarasa tinggi dalam mengkritik. Ia terserlah dalam banyak kritikannya terhadap puisi pilihannya yang beliau labelkan sebagai plagiat, berulang makna dan sebagainya. Kajian juga mencirikan keunggulan beliau berbanding pengarang karya biografi lain sama ada sebelum dan selepas zamannya. Antara ciri terpenting keunggulannya ialah, beliau membahagikan kitabnya berdasarkan metode kawasan, memasukkan pendapatnya yang kritis dan menyelitkan sejumlah besar biografi pemuisi dan sasterawan serta puisi terpilih dalam karangannya.,This study is concerned with selected poems of al-Tha' ālibī in Yatīmat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl alc Asr and Tatimmah .on the charms of the contemporary people. Based on the selected poems, we are enlightened on the literary circumstance in the time of al-Tha c ālibī and this figure provides us with many poems, pieces of prose and invaluable literary treatises as well. This study encompasses many important objectives, which are to analyze the literary man, i.e. al-Tha c ālibī, and his poetry and prose; explore his selected poems in Yatīmat al-Dahr and Tatimmah, his critical viewpoints in the selected poems, the sources he relies on for the selected poems, and situations of the selected poems including an analysis of literary perspective; and explain the distinctiveness of al-Tha c ālibī in his selected poems compared to previous and subsequent biographers. This study adopts an investigative approach, through which pieces of information collected from abundant sources, and an analytical approach, aimed at the approach of alTha c ālibī in composing his treatise and especially in his selected poems and critical viewpoints, is analyzed. This study arrives at a conclusion that al-Tha c ālibī is indeed creative in his literary life either in his poetry, prose or literary treatises. With respect to poetry, there is no poetry of other poets reaching the level of his poetry, and he realizes his beautiful sense of creativity in almost of his poetic themes in terms of selecting, composing and putting words in charming poetic moulds. In prose, it is proven he possesses excellent prose sensitivity in his word selection and composition evidently in his poetic biographies in Yatīmat al-Dahr fi Mahasin Ahl alc Asr and Tatimmah. In terms of his literary treatises especially his work Yatīmat al-Dahr and tatimatih al-Tha c ālibī is regarded as the most creative of all of the biographers because in the work he has written numerous biographies of the contemporary poets in an impressive way and because he has chosen an enormous collection of their poetry and diversified in his selection. The selected poems do not rely on a particular theme but are numerous, and this obviously indicates the circumstances of al-Yatīmah and al tatimmah in literary perspective. Likewise, this study shows that the sources al-Tha c ālibī relies on are oral transmissions, treatises and compilations and comes to a conclusion that he possesses a brilliant taste of criticism. In many aspects of his treatise, he criticizes the selected poems in terms of plagiarism, semantic repetition and so on. This study also discovers some important aspects of his distinctiveness compared to the other previous and subsequent biographers. The most interesting is the regional method he adopts in arranging his work and his critical viewpoints, and in incorporating a significant number of biographies and selected poems.,Ph.D
Pages: 273
Call Number: PJ7750.T5 Y37 2013
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Islamic Studies / Fakulti Pengajian Islam

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