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Title: Performance enhancement of shaded photovoltaic module using four Schottky bypass diodes
Authors: Monadhil A. Abduljabbar (P84164)
Supervisor: Kamaruzzaman Sopian, Prof. Dato' Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Photovoltaic system
Issue Date: 9-Nov-2020
Description: Shading is one of the biggest problems that affect the behavior of photovoltaic (PV) modules, and affects the power output. Shading dramatic decreases the output power of the PV module. The effect of shading can be reduce by connecting bypass diodes to the PV module in parallel opposite polarity. This study aims to investigate the performance of PV modules under shading with a new configuration of by diodes. Simulation and experimental investigations we performed to evaluate the effects of shading for different strings inside modified PV modules. The modules have different configurations of bypass diodes, The PV modules has two silicon bypass diodes. The experiment conducted under real outdoor environmental conditions of the United Arab Emirates. The simulations performed by MATLAB/ Simulink. Two silicon bypass diodes and four Schottky bypass diodes were simulated and under different sizes of shading. Each modules have a capacity of 30 W. I-V and P-V curves for all cases recorded and the effect of shading observed. The results indicated that increasing the number of bypass diode and changing the quality from silicon to Schottky bypass diode for the PV module mitigated the effect of shading. Output power of the PV module decreased from 53.8% to 28.2% with shading occurs for one cell only. The output power decreased from 89.5% to 53.2% with shading occurs for 2 cells from a different string. Moreover, 84.6% instead of 99% when the shading occurs for three cells and for 4 cells shaded modules. LCA (life cycle analysis) conducted by CES Edu pack software. Production cost of the modified solar module is higher by RM5.67 from the basic module. It showed that the payback period for one kW on grid PV station before modification was 9.33 years and after modification was 9.74 years in no shading case and there was no dissimilarity in the payback period for the basic case. However, the advantage was that when the shading happens for one cell. The payback for PV station with basic PV modules was 20.2 years and for modified PV station was 13.82 years and hence, significant in the case of shading.,Master of Science
Pages: 134
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Solar Energy Research Institute / Institut Penyelidikan Tenaga Suria (SERI)

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