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Title: Mata pelajaran sejarah dan pembinaan etos bangsa di sekolah : kajian retrospektif pelajar UKM terhadap kurikulum sejarah
Authors: Khairul Ghufran Kaspin (P62594)
Supervisor: Mansor Mohd. Noor, Prof. Dr.
Keywords: kurikulum sejarah
Issue Date: 7-Jan-2015
Description: Wacana awam sering timbul dalam kalangan masyarakat terhadap limitasi mata pelajar sejarah di sekolah dan lemahnya semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan generasi muda. Tujuan utama kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis persepsi pelajar Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia terhadap mata pelajaran sejarah yang telah dipelajari setelah banyak perbahasan timbul dalam masyarakat tentang keterbatasan mata pelajaran dan pudarnya semangat patriotisme dalam kalangan generasi muda. Tujuan kajian adalah untuk mengenalpasti keberkesanan mata pelajaran sejarah yang dipelajari dan hubungannya dalam pembinaan etos bangsa dalam kalangan generasi muda di Malaysia. Asas kepada kajian ini, beberapa konsep yang berkaitan dengan bidang sejarah dan sosiologi dibinakan sebagai kerangka konseptual kajian. Dari disiplin sejarah, konsep sejarah diteliti dan penekanan yang mendalam terhadap kefahaman aliran pemikiran falsafah sejarah seperti aliran Positivis, Idealis, Marxis dan Annales yang kurang diberikan perhatian di Malaysia dibincangkan. Di samping itu, penelitian terhadap konsep-konsep sosiologikal seperti konsep takrifan autoriti dan harian, etnik, etos bangsa dan pembinaan negara bangsa juga dititik beratkan untuk mengukuhkan lagi asas ilmu kepada kajian ini. Sebanyak 400 pelajar UKM telah dipilih berdasar purposive sampling mengikut kategori etnik dan aliran pengajian di universiti. Pengkategorian etnik tersebut ialah Melayu, Bumiputera Sabah, Bumiputera Sarawak, Cina dan India. Manakala Fakulti pilihan adalah Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, Fakulti Kejuruteraan dan Alam Bina, Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi dan Fakulti Undang-undang di UKM Bangi. Seramai 100 pelajar telah dipilih dari setiap fakulti ini. Kajian ini menginterbu responden di kawasan awam di sekitar fakulti mereka. Kaedah kajian kuantitatif melalui penggunaan borang soal selidik sebagai instrumen mengumpul data primer untuk kajian ini. Soalan-soalan dalam borang soal selidik tersebut telah dibahagikan kepada tiga bahagian. Bahagian-bahagian tersebut termasuklah mengenai latar belakang responden, persepsi terhadap pendidikan sejarah dan etos bangsa dalam kalangan pelajar. Hasil kajian yang diperolehi mendapati bahawa tahap persepsi pelajar terhadap mata pelajaran sejarah, etos bangsa dan hubungan di antara kedua-duanya adalah sederhana dengan mencatat sebanyak 58.5 peratus. Berdasarkan hasil dapatan ini, kajian ini telah menggariskan beberapa cadangan penambahbaikan untuk mata pelajaran sejarah dan pembelajaranya. Cadangan tersebut adalah mengetengahkan sejarah negara secara visual dan menyulam nilai-nilai etos bangsa dalam kesemua mata pelajaran di sekolah. Justeru, hasil kajian ini diharapkan dapat memberi jalan penyelesaian kepada masalah mengenai pendidikan sejarah di sekolah yang timbul di Malaysia akhir-akhir ini.,Many public discourses have been raised in the society of the limitations of the subject of history in the Malaysian school and the weakening of patriotism among the younger generation. The objectives of this study are to determine the effectiveness of history subject learned and the relationship it has on the building of the national ethos among the young generation in Malaysia. Fundamental to this research are a few concepts that relate to the disciplines of history and sociology that are constructed as the conceptual framework for the study. From the discipline of history, the concept of history and the schools of historical thoughts such as Positivist, Idealist, Marxist and Annales that are rarely being discussed in the Malaysian context are presented. Apart from that, the focus on the sociological concepts of authority and everyday-defined reality, ethnic, national ethos and nation-state building were used to strengthen the fundamental knowledge of this study. A total number of 400 UKM students were selected on a purposive sampling technique by ethnic and educational streams in the university. The students are categorized by ethnic groups and the ethnic Malays, Bumiputera Sabah, Bumiputera Sarawak, Chinese and Indians are studied. While the selected faculties are the Faculty Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Faculty Science and Technology and The Faculty of Laws. A total number of 100 students were selected from each faculty. The students were interviewed in the vicinity of their faculties. Quantitative research method through the use of questionnaire form was employed as the instrument to collect primary data for this study. The questions in the questionnaire were divided into three parts. These three parts include the background of the respondents, the perception of the subject of history studied and the national ethos among the students. The results of this study found out that the perception of the students towards the subject of history, national ethos and their relationship are moderate with the percentage 58.5 percent. Based on these findings, this study has outlined a number of recommendations to improve the subject of history and its teaching. The recommendations are the highlighting the history of the country visually and embedded the values of the national ethos in all school subjects. Thus, the results of this study are expected to provide a solution to the prevailing problem of studying history in schools that emerged lately in Malaysia.,Master/Sarjana
Pages: 176
Call Number: D16.2.K484 2015 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Institute of Ethnic Studies / Institut Kajian Etnik (KITA)

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