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Title: Online dispute resolution for consumer e-disputes
Authors: Fahimeh Abedi (P52396)
Supervisor: Sakina Shaik Ahmad Yusoff, Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Conflict of laws -- Electronic commerce
Issue Date: 20-Nov-2011
Description: This thesis is aimed at analysing the importance of online dispute resolution for consumers and business in e-commerce. In online trading or e-commerce, the process of buying and selling is through the internet. It is mentionable that where off-line transactions cause disputes, the same is true for e-commerce, which leads to e-disputes. The feeling of need for a proper jurisdiction with respect to internet based transaction led to a new mechanism for solving disputes through the internet known as the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). Despite the great advantages of ODR as compared to litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), there are some issues related to ODR in which this research is focusing on. The issues include legal issues such as enforcement of the outcomes, publication, confidentiality, significance of trust and redress mechanism, inequality of bargaining power in business to consumers (B2C) disputes and non-legal issues such as cross cultural problems, language barriers, lake of face to face encounters and text communication. The objective of this research is to analyse these legal issues and to make recommendations for the improvement of ODR. This research is a doctrinal research, adopting the four standpoints in legal research namely, historical, comparative, jurisprudence, analytical and critical approaches. The research points to the need of an ODR legal framework at the international level, encompassing of standard rules and regulations on enforcement, security, confidentiality and redress mechanism, with the cooperation of e-commerce stakeholders such as governments, the business industry and consumers.,Certification of Master's / Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 126
Call Number: C18.FAH 2011 2 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Law / Fakulti Undang-undang

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