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dc.contributor.advisorFarah Diba Abu Bakar, Dr.
dc.contributor.authorMohd Faizal Abu Bakar (P43123)
dc.descriptionGlaciozyma antarctica merupakan sejenis yis psikrofil obligat yang mampu bermandiri pada suhu sejuk ekstrem. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk mengenal pasti bilangan kromosom dan saiz genom serta menjujuk dan menjalankan analisis terhadap jujukan genom G. antarctica. Analisis profil Elektroforesis Gel Medan Denyut (PFGE) menunjukkan pemisahan kromosom G. antarctica menghasilkan sepuluh jalur DNA yang mencadangkan organisma ini mempunyai sekurang-kurangnya sepuluh kromosom. Kaedah sitometri aliran telah menganggarkan saiz genom yis psikrofil ini pada sekitar 22 hingga 24.6 Mb. Untuk menjujuk jujukan genom G. antarctica, tiga platform penjujukan berbeza iaitu penjujukan melalui kaedah Sanger, 454 Sequencing dan Illumina telah digunakan. Sebanyak 2.33 Gb data jujukan yang merangkumi 95X liputan genom G. antarctica telah dijana. Daripada penyusunan data jujukan, sebanyak 21 kerangka pelbagai saiz telah diperoleh yang memberikan jumlah anggaran saiz genom G. antarctica sebanyak 20 Mb. Analisis peramalan dan anotasi gen terhadap jujukan genom G. antarctica telah meramal sebanyak 7857 gen; 63% daripadanya adalah gen putatif, 13% gen hipotetikal, 13% gen hipotetik terpulihara, 10% gen novel dan 1% gen meragukan. Selain itu, sebanyak 79 tRNA dan satu kelompok rRNA telah dikenal pasti hadir di dalam genom G. antarctica. Beberapa gen yang dipercayai terlibat di dalam mekanisme adaptasi suhu sejuk juga telah dikenal pasti. Ini termasuklah gen mengekod protein antibeku (AFP), enzim asid lemak desaturase (DES), protein kejutan sejuk (CSP) serta enzim untuk mensintesis trehalosa.,Glaciozyma antarctica is a psychrophilic obligate yeast that has the ability to thrive at extreme cold temperatures. The objectives of this study were to determine the number of chromosomes and size of the G. antarctica genome, and to generate and analyse its genome sequence. Pulsed Field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) profile analysis showed that the G. antarctica chromosomes were separated into ten DNA bands which suggests that this organism contains at least ten chromosomes. A flow cytometry method estimated that the genome size of this psychrophilic yeast is around 22 to 24.6 Mb. Sequencing of the G. antarctica genome was achieved via three different sequencing platforms; Sanger method, 454 Sequencing and Illumina. A total of 2.33 Gb sequence data which encompasses 95X of genome coverage was generated. The genome assembly generated 21 scaffolds of various sizes amounting to a total genome size estimated at 20 Mb. Gene prediction and annotation analyses showed that there are 7857 predicted genes; where 63% of them are putative, 13% hypothetical, 13% hypothetical conserved, 10% novel and 1% dubious genes. In addition, a total of 79 tRNAs and one cluster of rRNA were identified in the genome. Several genes which were postulated to be involved in the cold-adaptation mechanism were also identified in the G. antarctica genome. These include genes that encode for antifreeze proteins (AFP), fatty acid desaturases (DES), cold-shock proteins (CSP) and enzymes to synthesise trehaloses.,Master/Sarjana
dc.publisherUKM, Bangi
dc.relationFaculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi
dc.subjectGlaciozyma antarctica
dc.titlePenentuan saiz dan analisis jujukan genom Glaciozyma antarctica
dc.identifier.callnoQK615.5.M84455 2013 tesis
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

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