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Title: Seismic sequence stratigraphy of the late paleocene - pliocene deposits, Central Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
Authors: Abd Alsalam Almasgari (P74685)
Supervisor: Umar Hamzah, Prof Dr.
Keywords: Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia -- Dissertations
Stratigraphic correlation -- New Zealand -- Central Taranaki Basin
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 26-Mar-2016
Description: The interpretation of the seismic sequences boundaries, seismic facies and system tracts from seismic reflections was very crucial in hydrocarbon exploration, of particular in establishing the potential hydrocarbon accumulation. Previous researchers have widely and generally studied the Taranaki Basin in New Zealand. However, detail study on sequence stratigraphy in Central Taranaki Basin has yet to be done. The study aimed to establish the sequence stratigraphy and sequence boundaries of the basin, to interpret the seismic facies related to its depositional environment, and to establish the system tract of the basin. By understanding the sequence stratigraphy of the basin, the potential hydrocarbon layers were proposed. A total of ten 2D seismic lines from Taranaki Basin and a well log (Witiora-1) were used in this study, covering the area of 217 km2. Sequence boundaries were picked from synthetic seismogram which was previously developed by tying the seismic lines with the well data. The seismic facies and system tracts (LST, TST, and HST) were determined by identifying the internal seismic reflection, seismic reflection terminations, and gamma-ray log data. The morphology of each for each sequence and structures were presented as the line structure maps, developed by using Kingdom and Petrel software. In this study, eight regional seismic sequences (SEQ1, SEQ2, SEQ3 SEQ4, SEQ5, SEQ6, SEQ7, and SEQ8) and eight boundaries representing unconformities (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6, H7, and H8) have been identified. The Upper Giant Formation was further subdivided into two parts, the Upper and Middle Giant Formation. A new horizon (SA-Middle Giant Formation) was also established in this study, representing sea level transgression as indicated by onlap reflections toward the land. Various seismic facies were identified in the sediment sequence including channels, submarine canyon, incised valleys, chaotic, parallel, sub-parallel, hummocky, free reflection, flat spot, bright spot, and chimney. Based on the system tract and seismic facies analysis, the sediment sequence was depositional on the faulted (horst and graben) basement rock. Generally, the Kapuni Group was deep in the center and southern area and swallowing towards the anticline flanges. Moa Group was shallow at the southeast and dipping towards the south and southwestern area. Mokau Group was deeper in at the south and southwest, and shallowing towards the land (east). Urenui Formation was deeper in the SE, and shallowing seawards (northwest). Giant Formation was deep in the south and SE, shallowing seawards (NW). Kapuni Group was the thickest at the NW and thinning towards the SW area. The Upper and Middle Giant Formation were thick at the NW, and thinning landward to the east and southwest of the study area. Based on this study, the potential hydrocarbon layers were proposed at Kapuni Group and Giant Formation,Certification of Master's/Doctoral Thesis" is not available
Pages: 271
Call Number: QE652.5.A446 2017 tesis
Publisher: UKM, Bangi
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science and Technology / Fakulti Sains dan Teknologi

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