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Title: The effects of tongkat ali (eurycoma longifolia jack) supplementation on bone fracture healing in an androgen deficient osteoporotic rat model
Authors: Mohd Azri Bin Abd Jalil (P 62697)
Supervisor: Norliza Muhammad, Dr.
Keywords: Tongkat ali
Dissertations, Academic -- Malaysia
Issue Date: 12-Aug-2014
Description: The incidence of male osteoporosis is increasing, mainly because of the increasing age of the population that leads to hypogonadism. Testosterone replacement therapy has been advocated as one of the treatment options. However, due to the painful nature of testosterone injection together with the adverse effects such as prostate cancer associated with it, it is essential that alternative treatment be sought out. In this study, the effects of Eurycoma longifolia (EL) supplementation on fracture healing in androgen-deficient osteoporotic rats were investigated. A total of 48, aged 10 to 12-months old male Wistar rats were divided into four groups of sham-operated (SHAM), orchidectomized-control (ORX), orchidectomized and given testosterone enanthate 7 mg/rat (TEN), as well as orchidectomized and treated with 15 mg/kg EL (EL). At the beginning of the experiment, the right tibiae were fractured before the commencement of the treatment regime which lasted for six weeks. At necropsy, the tibiae were examined for bone microarchitecture analysis using micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and bone biomechanical strength using a 3-point bending test machine. The micro-CT results showed that the fraction of mineralized tissue of the bridging cortices (BVbc/TVbc) of the TEN group was significantly higher compared to ORX control rats. Although not statistically significant, the BVbc/TVbc of the EL group seemed to be higher than ORX group. There were no significant differences among the groups for the mineralized bone mineral density (mBMDb`c) and callus volume parameters. As for the biomechanical assessment, the TEN rats had significantly higher values of maximum load, stress, and Young' s modulus than the ORX group. On the other hand, treatment of ORX rats with EL did not have any significant effects on biomechanical strength. However, EL seemed to increase biomechanical parameters when compared to ORX control rats. Based on the overall assessments, EL supplementation had the potential but was not as effective as testosterone therapy in promoting osteoporotic fracture healing.,Insidens osteoporosis di kalangan lelaki semakin meningkat disebabkan faktor peningkatan usia yang menjurus kepada hipogonadisme. Terapi penggantian testosteron telah disarankan sebagai salah satu pilihan rawatan. Walaubagaimanapun, disebabkan suntikan testosteron yang menyakitkan, ditambah pula dengan dakwaan tentang hubungkait rawatan ini dengan kanser prostat, suatu rawatan alternatif perlu diketengahkan. Dalam kajian ini, kesan pengambilan Eurycoma longifolia (EL) pada penyembuhan kepatahan tulang tikus yang mengalami osteoporosis aruhan defisiensi androgen telah disiasat. Sebanyak 48 tikus jantan jenis Wistar yang berusia 10-12 bulan telah dibahagikan kepada empat kumpulan iaitu bedah-sham (Sham), kawalan secara orkidektomi (ORX), orkidektomi yang diberi rawatan testosteron enanthate 7 mg / tikus (TEN), serta orkidektomi yang dirawat dengan EL pada dos 15mg / kg berat badan tikus. Sebelum rawatan diberikan, bahagian kanan tibia tikus telah dipatahkan dan tikus tersebut diberikan rawatan mengikut kumpulan masing-masing selama 6 minggu berturut-turut. Selepas 6 minggu rawatan, tikus-tikus tersebut dikorbankan dan tibia kanan dikeluarkan untuk penilaian terhadap mikrostruktur tulang menggunakan tomografi berkomputer mikro (mikro-CT) dan kekuatan biomekanikal tulang menggunakan mesin ujian kelenturan 3–penjuru. Untuk hasil penilaian mikro-CT, pecahan isipadu bermineral tisu korteks yang bersambung (BV bc / TV bc) bagi kumpulan TEN adalah lebih tinggi secara signifikan berbanding dengan kumpulan ORX. Bagi kumpulan rawatan EL pula, BVbc / TVbc pula lebih tinggi daripada kumpulan ORX, tetapi tidak menunjukkan sebarang nilai yang signifikan. Tiada perbezaan yang ketara di kalangan kumpulan untuk kepadatan mineral tulang bermineral tisu korteks yang bersambung (mBMDbc) dan parameter jumlah kalus. Sementara itu, “load”, “stress” dan “Young' s modulus” kumpulan ORX menurun dengan signifikan berbanding dengan kumpulan lain. Di samping itu, parameter yang sama menunjukkan peningkatan dalam kumpulan TEN berbanding dengan kumpulan lain. Parameter- parameter biomekanikal bagi kumpulan rawatan EL lebih tinggi daripada kumpulan ORX tetapi tidak menunjukkan sebarang nilai yang signifikan. EL mempunyai potensi tetapi tidak berkesan sebagus terapi testosteron dalam membantu penyembuhan kepatahan tulang osteoporosis.,Master
Pages: 120
Publisher: UKM, Kuala Lumpur
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Medicine / Fakulti Perubatan

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