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ukmvital_79986+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2014-06-30Beyond dichotomization : intertextuality and character transposition analysis in four appropriations of HamletRuzy Suliza Hashim, Professor; Mohammad Safaei (P64108)
ukmvital_73877+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg8/15/2011Pengetahuan pedagogikal isi kandungan (PPIK) guru dan kefahaman konseptual pelajar dalam topik respirasiLilia Halim, Profesor Dr.; Rosnidar Mansor (P39292)
ukmvital_75002+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2013-02-14Sebab-Musabab Penyakit Dan Pengubatan Tradisional Orang Bakumpai Di Kampung Ulu Benteng Kalimantan Selatan, IndonesiaAishah@Eshah Haji Mohamed, Prof.Madya.Dr.; Setia Budhi (P26858)
ukmvital_81051+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2014-08-15Traditional healers and traditional healing among Ilika tribes in Garmsar, IranDr. Mimi Hanida Abdul Mutalib; Parnian Shideh (P32301)
ukmvital_75123+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2013-07-10Kajian Kandungan Nilai Dalam Bahan Bacaan Sastera KBSRZulkifley bin Hamid, Profesor Dr.; Mohd. Hanafi Abu Bakar (P35874)
ukmvital_81056+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2014-07-08A comparative stylistic study of the images of men and women in the poetry of Sylvia Plath and Forough FarrokhzadProf. Ruzy Suliza Hashim; Hassanpour Forough (P48393)
ukmvital_75178+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2013-05-30The Construction Of Collocations In The Writing Of Iranian Postgraduate Students: A Case StudyNor Fariza, Dr.; Firooz Namvar (P37484)
ukmvital_79979+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2014The role of NGOs in the living conditions of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Khartoum, SudanJunaenah Sulehan, Associate Professor Dr.; Sumaia Dafaalla Ahmed Elamin (P44143)
ukmvital_74642+Source01+Source010.PDF.jpg2012-10-12Bahasa dan identiti : analisis wacana UMNO Najib RazakIdris Aman, Profesor Dr.; Rohaidah binti Haron (P42110)
ukmvital_121459+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2016-01-09Identity maintenance and identity shift: the Melaka Baba and NyonyaBahiyah Dato Haji Abdul Hamid, Ass. Prof Dr.; Lee Yuen Thien (P58514)