UKM Newspaper Article / Artikel Surat Khabar UKM : [22147] Collection home page

Artikel surat khabar berkaitan UKM / ditulis oleh warga UKM

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1461 to 1480 of 22147
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022-04-08Now on to the other pandemicSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-04-04Shielded by a high vax rateSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-04-03‘An asset to be a multilinguist’Awang Sariyan (UKM)
2022-03-27Malaysia needs more palaeontologistsMohd Shafeea Leman (UKM)
2022-03-27‘Help seniors get their jabs’Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-03-27Dinosaurs that once walked MalaysiaMohd Shafeea Leman (UKM)
2022-03-21Undi18 impact on Johor polls still unclear, say analystsSuffian Mansor (UKM)
2022-03-21A million trees in two years-
2017-12-28Kayuhan amal eratkan silaturahimOsman Lisut
2022-03-18‘Give fourth dose only if necessary’Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-03-18Experts : it’s not over until it’s overSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-02-24Set example on SOP, leaders toldSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-02-19Time for a rule changeSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-02-18Now’s not the time to relax SOP, say expertsSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-02-14Experts : maintain SOP during Ramadan monthSharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2022-06-07UKM olah manuskrip MelayuZareen Humairah Sejahan; Ros Mahwati Ahmad Zakaria (UKM); Wan Kamal Mujani (UKM)
2022-06-07ASEAN perlukan jati diri watanTeo Kok Seong (UKM)
2022-06-05Pendidikan pasca pemansuhan PT3Anuar Ahmad (UKM); Puqtra Hairry
2022-03-15‘Pubs can reopen with strict SOP’Sharifa Ezat Wan Puteh (UKM)
2017-11-02Perkasakan pendidikan tinggi negaraNor Azma Laila; Basir Zahrom; Faizatul Farhana Farush Khan; Meor Ahmad Nasriin Rizal Ishak
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1461 to 1480 of 22147