Browsing by Author World Productivity Congress, 7th

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PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Labour productivity comparisons between developing and developed countriesAbe Katsumi .; Kurosawa; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Linking productivity and international competitivenessOral Muhittin; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Making total quality a way of life : the role of human resource management systemsTuttle Thomas C.; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Participative management- vital approach to productivity enhancementNatarajan A.; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Political policies and productivityWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Productivity - the mindef experienceWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Productivity 2000: Singapore's initiative to maintain competivitivenessWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Productivity through people - an empirical study on organisational climate and work values in selected firms in MalaysiaWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Productivity- the MINDEF experienceWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Productivity/performance aggregation and simulation models integrating economic and government sectors to teh national levelWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Quality- the American wayWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Re-emergence of Islamic values and normsWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Responding to change: the scene of the clothing industry of Hong KongWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Roles of the leader's moral code and Japanized Confucianism in productivity improvement in JapanWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-RootsWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Servanta or service : perspectives of the Australian hotel industryWorld Productivity Congress, 7th
-Some agricultural breakthroughs in productivity in ChinaLu Shih-I; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Sources of growth and productivity improvement in Malaysian agricultureMohd Ariff Hussein; Muhammad Nas; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Steps in the implementation of a total quality systemGonzalez VilmG.; Prado Gonzaltz; World Productivity Congress, 7th
-Strategy- linked measurement and gain sharingThor Carl G.; World Productivity Congress, 7th