Browsing by Author Seminar Aids Kebangsaan

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Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-AIDS prevention and control in ThailandSudsukh Uthai; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-AIDS, women and education: some reflections for world AIDS day 1990Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-An overview of the IDS/HIV situation in MalaysiaAbu Bakar Sulaiman; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-Bagaimana Islam dapat mencegah dan mengawal AIDSSeminar Aids Kebangsaan
-Community roles in the care of people with AIDS/HIV - international perspectiveEvans Eleanor; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-Global overview of AIDS and who strategies for its prevention and controlEdstrom Karim; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-Impact of AIDS on the individual and the family in MalaysiaAbdul Aziz Abdullah; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-Strategies for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS in MalaysiaAzizan Aiyub Ghazali; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The care of HIV - infected/AIDS patient in MalaysiaSarvananthan K.; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The epidemiological situation of HIV/AIDS in Asian and Pacific countriesPetersen Georg; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The role of mass media in the prevention and control of AIDSHani Adnan Layali; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The role of non-governmental organisations in the prevention and control of HIV/AIDSEvans Eleanor; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The role of religion in the prevention and control of AIDS (from the point of view of Buddhism)Ang Choo Hong; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The role of religion in the prevention and control of AIDS - a Hindu perspectiveSubramaniam M.; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan
-The role of religions in the prevention and control of AIDS - the Christian perspectiveWong Kim Kong; Seminar Aids Kebangsaan