Browsing by Author Mohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
ukmvital_101662+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2018-02-20Composition, source apportionment, health risk assessment and toxicity testing of fine particulate matter in Kuala Lumpur city centerMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Nor Azura Sulong (P78437)
2024-01-15Compositions, sources and health risks of dioxins/furans, polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons and trace metals in ambient air of Kuala LumpurMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Md Firoz Khan, Dr.; Norfazrin Mohd Hanif, Dr.; Sharifah Mazrah Sayed Mohamed Zain (P102903)
ukmvital_118055+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2020-03-03Comprehensive assessment of hazardous volatile organic compounds in ambient air of highly developed area of Kuala LumpurMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Haris Hafizal Abd Hamid (P82660)
ukmvital_108322+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2019-01-24Evaluation of direct and indirect sampling method for respirable crystalline silica compliance monitoring among granite quarries workers in Kuala Lumpur and SelangorMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Suhaily Amran (P72189)
ukmvital_80655+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2014-10-12Flux of surfactants and sterols within an estuarine ecosystem in Kuala Selangor, MalaysiaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Murad Ali Amin Alsalahi (P43779)
ukmvital_117758+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2020-07-02Isoprene and monoterpenes flux in the tropical air-sea interfaceMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Royston Uning (P83537)
ukmvital_82265+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-01-30Komposisi, ciri-ciri dan pembahagian sumber bagi surfaktan dalam aerosol atmosfera di Kuala Lumpur dan Bangi, MalaysiaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Nurul Bahiyah Abd Wahid (P55930)
ukmvital_124916+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2021-04-30Penilaian kualiti udara bandar di Wilayah Perluasan Perbandaran Mega Kuala Lumpur (KLEMUR) dengan menggunakan Sistem Maklumat Geografi (GIS)Mohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Nor Diana Abdul Halim (P83831)
ukmvital_84379+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2016-02-29Source apportionment and health risk assessment of suspended particulate matter (PM10) in school environmentMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Noorlin Mohamad (P59653)
2020-04-01Spatio-temporal variation of nocturnal surface ozone and regional background ozone level in MalaysiaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Liew Ju Neng, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Md Firoz Khan, Dr.; Mohd Famey Yusoff (P81774)
2022-06-02The study of aerosal variations over danum valley in Borneo tropical rainforestMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Liew Ju Neng, Assoc. Prof. Dr.; Alfred Weidensohler, Prof. Dr.; Nur Aleesha Abdullah (P96480)
ukmvital_80306+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2015-02-26The influence of meteorological factors on PM10 concentrations and composition in the Malaysian PeninsulaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Sahel Mohammad-Rateb Amer Al-Batayneh (P39714)
ukmvital_80362+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.0.PDF.jpg2016-08-01Tropospheric and daily maximum ground level ozone variability in the West Coast of Peninsular MalaysiaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Fatimah Pk Ahamad (P63141)
ukmvital_80361+SOURCE1+SOURCE1.1.PDF.jpg2015-11-18Variation of surface ozone concentration and its precursors around the Klang Valley, MalaysiaMohd Talib Latif, Prof. Dr.; Negar Banan (P62662)